Monday, September 1, 2014

Depends where the buses go.

Hello and welcome to new bloggy people. I see some of you have recently started a blog, well done, it wasn't that difficult was it. I have been having a nosy round, keeping a check on you, ha ha. Lets have a look at the new blogs on the block.

Linda is a newish blogger, started in May. Her blog is called Senior Adventures, she writes about crochet, writing, and volunteering, she lives in central Texas. Her latest entry is about her holiday in California. Why not drop by there and have a look.

Happy Homemaker has just started a blog, it's about flowers, quilting and food. Let's give her our support and pay a visit. I'm sure she will be chuffed if you leave her a comment  Welcome to Blogland HH.

Janice C is another new blogger, she calls her blog Travels with Mimi. It's all about travelling and house sitting. The places she gets to stay in are fabulous and her photo's are lovely. I'm looking forward to reading more about your travels, Janice.

Zana has previously had blogs, but closed them, now she is up and running with a crafting blog. Zana's Homemade is about crochet, cooking, gardening and painting. She lives in New Zealand. Her photo's are gorgeous. Worth a look if you are blog browsing.

Vintage Gingham is another new blogger. She has a vegetarian and frugal blog, and an art journal blog. Both are full of inspiring ideas. I can see that her blogs have great promise. Keep at it VG.

This blog is less than a year old, a mum with kids getting by on a small income. Shoestring Cottage is chatty and fun, with lots of money saving ideas.

There's a few to be going on with, let's rally round and support new bloggers. Good luck, stick at it.

So, why do I spend so much time writing a blog? Easy answer is it's my hobby and it's a fun thing to do. But, it also it encourages me to get off my backside and do something, so I have something to write about. I could easily become a slob, I could easily sit here and procrastinate and never get anything done. Because I have sat for many hours behind the wheel of a lorry in a zombie like state, I now feel the urgency to make the most of the life I have left, and writing about it helps me to do just that. I am a natural talker, will stop and chat when I am out and about, writing here is just an extension of that.

It won't be long before I'm off on another holiday, it won't be all walking this time, there will be some bus rides. I'm going to head off across the country to the Lake District. With my rucksack on my back I will walk out of my door, get the bus too Hull, then a bus to York, and maybe head towards Helmsley, if there is a bus going that way. If not then I will go somewhere else. No route planned, no timetables to check, walk if the weather is nice, bus if it's raining. Stop if I want to look around an interesting place, push on if I want to get further on. Find a bed if I am running out of daylight hours, make a diversion to a town if I have to. No rush, plenty of time to chat and look around. I would like to get to Grasmere to buy some of their lovely gingerbread. Boy is it scrumptious. That's the plan, well there is no plan actually, depends where the buses go.
Toodle pip.

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