Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A taste of Southport

Hello from Sunny Southport. I arrived at 2.30pm, there was one change of train at Manchester. A smashing lady got on at Sheffield and we chatted all the way until I got off. I discovered later that I had left my sun visor on the train, oh bother, I was distracted and forgot all about it. Not to worry, I found a cap in the sale at Primark for £1 and have just spent an hour cutting the top off and hemming it up to make the headband. 
A little bit about Southport. I had thought about taking a short trip along the coast to see Anthony Gormley's gigantic men on the beach, but the man in the Tourist Information said it is a train journey away, so I didn't go. I picked up a street map and had a bimble instead. But where is the sea? There is a lot of water, the Marine Lake is between the shops and the beach. A train runs up and down the Promenade, I didn't take a ride, I thought £2.50 for a return trip was too much.  
There is a road which goes over the top of the lake to Marine Drive which is next to the beach. I walked alongside it on a wooden pedestrian bridge which carries on to the end of the pier, though I didn't go that far.

And there is the end of the pier, but no sign of the sea. Not many people on the beach, I don't think the ice cream man was doing a roaring trade.

There is a little ornamental bridge over the lake as well. 

I couldn't resist a quick bimble round the funfair, it was very busy.

These shelters are dotted around the lake, I love these. 
I don't think I'll be stopping at this hotel, ha ha. Looks lovely but probably pricey. A small B & B is more in line with my budget.

Lord Street is a very wide and busy shopping street.

This is a stunningly beautiful building, spotted while I was looking for a bed for tonight. I'm not sure what it is, but a sign says there are residents about. Could it be apartments?

My B & B is on Ravendale Road North, I have an en suite single room for £37.50. Breakfast is at 8.15am so I should be starting my walk at about 9am. I'm going to chill now with a mug of hot chocolate, and watch a bit of tele before I hit the sack. The bed looks comfy, no animals to share it with tonight, ha ha. Tomorrow I'm aiming for Chorley.
Bye for now, catch you tomorrow, hopefully with a good signal.
Toodle pip

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