Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Don't answer the door

Hello campers, Hi de Hi. Bit by bit, the Summer House is coming together. It's a learning curve, I make it up as I go along. So far the structure has two full sides, three doors on each. Yesterday I added this pallet to take it round the corner. I had to strengthen the pallet first because I had used it for something else before, and it was not complete, so a few extra pieces of wood were added. As you can see the ground is not level, so I am using broken pieces of paving slabs to wedge it up so it's square with the other one. The pallet is half the height of the door it will support, but not to worry, with plenty of screws everything will be solid and stay in place. 
It rained yesterday so everything is a bit wet. View from the outside looking in. Heidi is finding all this activity quite interesting.

This was the state of play at the end of yesterday. I had painted the white doors with white emulsion paint, glass as well, while it was sunny. Not a good idea. Unfortunately they will need doing again, with gloss paint. I will be asking around my friends for donations of any unwanted gloss paint, I want to paint them all.

Today another door has been added, on one side I used the hinges that were already on to screw it to the door next to it. The yellow post is actually two posts together, they just fit in the gap between the top and bottom slats of the pallet. Down at the bottom I have hammered two meta pins into the ground and screwed the posts to them. It's amazing how I am finding useful bits in my shed. 
Sorry cats, but you are not going to be able to get through the cat flap.

Paint splattered everywhere, including me, ha ha. These two were the first ones I collected from the glazing company. They are taller than the rest. I wish now that I had waited and collected more doors before I started to fit them, but me being impatient I wanted to get on with the job. It would be too messy to take them out now at this stage, so I'm going to have to build up the other doors to the same height.  
I've already started doing it, layering strips of wood on top of each other.

There's a vertical gap here, I need to fill that in.

I need another pallet on this side, before I can fit two more doors. There will be three sides with three doors on each, and I'm undecided about the fourth side. I would like part of it open to the garden, but how wide to leave the opening I'm not sure. I'll think of something when the time comes. 
 Dinner tonight was wonderful. The last few mushrooms cooked in olive spread, garlic powder, lemon juice,  and Danish Blue cheese, on top of a very large microwaved spud. Two tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, cucumber, and a cooked beetroot. Love this dinner.
Food stocks getting low, I've just had some Tesco vouchers so I might do the yellow sticker dash this week. Bye for now.
Toodle pip.

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