Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 4. Hebden Bridge to Holmfirth

Good Morning. Yes, it's Sunday morning, I struggled last night to get this done but had to give up with the very haphazard internet connection. I am trying to get this finished before breakfast so it's a bit jumbled up and lacking in details. 
I got to Holmfirth last night at just after 7pm and was lucky to find a smashing B & B, with the help of a landlady that I called at first. She was full up but she got on the phone to her friend who did have a room. This is ideal, lovely room, nice people, and dog, for £30. Everything a B & B should be. I don't need fancy decor, just homely and clean facilities.
I did a long stretch of canal walking yesterday. After studying the map I decided that the best plan of action was to follow water, I didn't want to be getting lost and losing valuable time. I got off the canal at Elland just north of Huddersfielf, passing through Mytholmroyd (love that name), Luddenden, and Sowerby Bridge, to Elland. It was a lovely walk, a sunny day and all was lovely in my world. 

Looks like a permanent residence in this colourful set up.
At Sowerby Bridge you have to get off the canal tow path and cross over the road to get back on again. Beautiful church.

Interesting remains. The buildings around here seem to be hugging the side of a mountain or appear to be sliding int a deep ravine. Everything is precariously balanced on stilts, even new builds. 
From Elland I marched into Huddersfield following the main road in. I took a break in the centre at the Railway Station and within a couple of minutes of sitting down I was accosted by a beggar. Made me feel a bit uneasy to be honest. In fact it happened a second time so I was ready to skidaddle when I had finished eating. There was a statue of Harold Wilson, who was born here, but the sun was in the wrong place to get a good shot.

I marched back out of Huddersfield, with Holmfirth in mind as my destination. Time was getting on and I needed to walk pretty fast. I stopped off at Honley because I was ready for packing up for the day, but no accommodation so I carried on to Holmfirth.

I checked the mileage, 19.75. The feet are holding out, only one small blister, the first one has healed up. I find if I keep on walking the muscles work better and not so much pain. Stopping and starting is the problem.

Must dash, breakfast is nearly ready. Heading off to Barnsley and beyond today. Catch you later, I hope. Enjoy your Sunday.
Toodle pip

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