Thursday, April 9, 2015

We all need love

Good morning. I've just been flitting around the internet as you do, checking what's going on, on forums, blogs, social media, and news sites. Don't know why I do this, just part of the getting up and eating breakfast routine. It's nice to keep in touch with the outside world.

There is a lady on a forum, won't mention names, she went through a terrible tragedy about a year ago, lost her husband, her soul mate, in a road traffic accident on the motorway. Not the usual involved in a car smash scenario, he had got out of his car to help someone else, and was knocked down. He died a hero. I don't know the lady personally but having been on the same forum for a few years, my heart broke for her. I couldn't imagine how anyone could get over losing a loved one in those circumstances.

This morning I read another of her update posts. She is a dog trainer, and an excellent one at that. What she doesn't know about dog training isn't worth knowing. She has found some solace in volunteering her training expertise at a Dog Rescue. Her posts tell of dogs with all kinds of behavioural problems, the sort that mean it's unlikely they will find a new home. She takes them on and turns them around, with the loving patience that she has for them. So dogs which otherwise wouldn't have much of a future are given another chance and are finding new homes.

Part of her post from yesterday, it made me cry.

These dogs are saving my life, giving me something to do.
I am not lonely now, just alone.

My God, when I think of people moaning about their lot, they need to take a leaf out of this ladies book. Dogs and cats have wonderful healing powers, and so does volunteering. If you know anyone who is struggling a bit please suggest to them that they volunteer, or if they are in a position to do so, adopt a dog or a cat from a rescue. 

Everyone needs to find some meaning in their lives, a reason for them to be here, I know I do. The lady is an inspiration, no one knows how they will cope when things fall apart around them. When I read stories like this it makes me believe in miracles. 

Such an emotional song, such a powerful performance.

I need to go outside and walk around the garden now. 
Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip

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