Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My guide to eliminating pre Christmas stress.

Hello. Here's another laugh for you. By popular demand I have made another video, nine minutes this time. Pause it in the middle and make a cup of tea if you find it a bit hard going, ha ha. This is my guide on coping with the stress of present buying running up to Christmas.

You will note that there are a lot of 'erm's' in it, that's because I have to wait for my brain to catch up with my mouth. Also, see if you can spot the deliberate mistake, got my words mixed up, no prizes, ooooops. I'm not doing the whole thing again, so here it is, warts and all.

Think I'll ever make it as a celeb? Waiting for a call from Big Brother, or the Jungle, ha ha.

Thanks for popping in. Catch up with you soon. Toodle pip.

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