Saturday, October 31, 2015

Food glorious food

Hello. It's actually been sunny enough to sit in the summerhouse today. I've started a new project, so I've been getting on with that. No sewing to start with but a needle and thread might be needed to finish it off. I've also been in the kitchen prepping food. Some of the yellow sticker veg was turned into stew. These four packets cost 43p. I only used half the beans and cauliflower/broccoli, the pan wasn't big enough to get it all in. 
So, with the usual spices added, it only took ten minutes to cook. I put some porridge oats in to thicken it.

Left it to cool, then filled four margarine tubs for the freezer. Four home made ready meals for less than 40p. Whoopeeee.

Someone asked how I was going to munch my way through all that food before it went off. Easy, I eat it till it comes out of my ear holes, ha ha. Today's lunch was garlic mushrooms on a whole plateful of rocket and salad leaves. 
I fancy a squiggle of mayo, why not, only 20p a bottle.

Tonight's dinner was the usual steamed veg. another quick meal with very little cooking. Love those sprouts and broccoli. Very nice with a dollop of tartar sauce, also 20p from the Cash and Carry. I'm stuffed now.

Not heard anyone roaming the streets tonight for Halloween, we don't get many round here. The cats are in, there may be some fireworks going off later. Don't forget to keep your pets in for the next two weeks.

Have a nice weekend. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip

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