Friday, February 13, 2015

Dilute so it lasts longer

Hiya. I'm always looking for ways to save a few more pennies on everyday items, so I have enough dosh for the treats I like. Here are a few things I do. Anything that can be diluted to stretch it a little further.
Does this look like a bottle of Mr Muscle bathroom cleaner? Well it was once, a long time ago. Now it contains diluted wash up liquid. I have an old wash up brush in my bathroom, a quick squirt round the basin with this and a scrub with the brush leaves it sparkly clean. I use this on a cloth to wipe the bath out and around the toilet. The toilet bowl gets scrubbed with a ting squirt of bleach with the loo brush. There is absolutely no need to buy any fancy bathroom cleaners. 
Tesco everyday value baby bath and baby shampoo are already a bit weak, they are meant to be mild for babies. They can still be diluted though, or used sparingly. Put a few blobs of the baby bath on a sponge and it foams up nicely. I don't need much of the shampoo for my short to medium length hair, I squirt a bit into my hand then transfer some of it to the other hand and apply all over my head. If you have your eyes shut and can't see how much you are squeezing it out, try putting it into a hand soap dispenser. The skin so soft bath wash is diluted. I bought it about four years ago, still not finished it, it's very soapy.

I don't buy bottles or cans of fizzy drinks, I get cartons of juice. The cash and carry usually do three for £1. Yes it's got sugar in it, but I dilute it, at least 50/50 or 70% water 30% juice. I get lots of drinks out of it.

When I am about a quarter of the way into the soya milk, I top it up with water. I like my Nescafe, but sometimes I buy a cheaper brand and mix the two together. Can hardly tell the difference. 
Value porridge oats are about as cheap as you can get them. If you have a fussy family member who wants to stick with their expensive brand, try getting a packet of the Value and adding it to the half full box or bag. Bet they don't notice.

 I buy cheap wash up liquid and use it very sparingly. When the bottle gets down to half full I top it up with water, and still use it very sparingly. There is no need to have a washing up bowl overflowing with soap suds. If you have a greasy pan or plate, drip two drops on it and scrub with a brush. I use oil very sparingly in my cooking so I don't get really mucky pots. The handwash was given to me, my friend didn't like the smell, I think it's lovely. I keep this in my cupboard below the sink and only use it when I can't be bothered to go to the bathroom. I prefer to wash my hands upstairs with a bar of soap.  As you can see there is a lot left, and I've had it over a year. I will start diluting it and maybe it will be ok for at least another two years.

There are lots of things that can be diluted, or a cheaper version added, to stretch them a bit further. I buy the cheapest bran flakes at 88p, they taste fine. If you have someone in the house who won't touch anything less than the big K, try mixing the cheaper one in the box when they aren't looking. Drop a brand but don't tell anyone. Same with anything. Save the empty branded bottles and add the cheaper version. You could stretch your wine a bit further by adding soda water or lemonade. There must be lots more ways of  spinning things out. Send me some more ideas please, I like to save more money for my treats. 
I invented a new pudding last night, I was a bit peckish about half past eight. I sometimes have half a tin of rice pudding (7.5p) at that time, something milky before bed time. Then I remembered I have three malt loaves bought from the cash and carry, (3 for £1), so I cut a couple of slices, then cut them into cubes and added them to the mug and zap in the microwave. It was bloomin lovely. I had the same again for my elevenses this morning. You could crumble biscuits into rice pudding, I sometimes add ground almonds.  
Weather wasn't good enough for a day out today, so I went to town. Popped in Aldi for a few essentials, bananas, cheese, nuts, and eggs. Hope it's better tomorrow. Hope you have a good weekend.
Toodle pip

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