Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What can I sell you?

Hello. I will have a picture free post today. Not that it matters how many pictures I post, I pay Google the exorbitant fee of £4 per year which gives me way above the permitted capacity to store them.

I got a book out of the library which is one of those 'how to books', the sort you pick up and dip into when you have a few  minutes to spare. Stan the library man is swapping some of the books in the non fiction shelves, where I usually have my nose. He has taken note of my comments that I am struggling to find books which I haven't already read, among those which I have no interest in reading. Good old Stan the Van Man :o)

The book is all about how to grow a business through the internet, using Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. The man is so good at following his own advice his book is up there with the Amazon best sellers. Clever chap, writing about how to use social media to market your business, then adopting the strategy of, 'do as I say', and reaping the rewards.

I've come to the conclusion that this is where I am falling down at the first hurdle. I don't preach the, 'do as I say', method, I am more like a 'this is what I do, you can please yourself,' sort of girl. Maybe I ought to be thinking about writing a self help book myself, incorporating all my common sense ideas and logical thinking. Several flaws with that, I can't be bothered, I don't want a job, and I don't need the money. But what I can do is peddle my wares here in a fun, tongue in cheek way, dishing out what I see as the bleedin obvious, while drawing on my many experiences at the University of Life.

If you want to take advantage of joining my 'tell it like it is' course, here is an opening offer which you might like to consider. No monetary recompense is required, it is free for the taking. The only investment you will need to make is a large deposit of your time, depending on how long you want to stay on the course. A good starting point would be to click on the 'Reflections on Life'  button on the side bar and re read the posts in this section. It will familiarize you with my style, and will give you some alternative ideas that you may not have  thought of.. If you have already read these, a quick skim over will suffice.

So, to join my course you need to invest some time. How much is entirely up to you. As with anything in life, the more time you give to something the better you get at it. Common sense really. If you want to improve your sewing and cooking skills, practice, practice, practice. If your aim is to get rid of the dead wood, you need to start pruning, so why not do it now.

Over the years I have had a lot of people saying to me, 'Ooooh, I wish I could do that'. My reply, 'You could do if you really wanted to'. This is then followed by the excuses, why they couldn't possibly do it. I say to them, don't wish your life away, don't ever wish you were someone else, or somewhere else. What I do, I do it for myself, you could do the same. You are in the here and now, life doesn't stand still, time is running out. That's common sense to me.

I am often called an inspiration, I feel quite chuffed about that, but I don't want you to read about my life then feel a bit miserable because you think you are missing out on something. That's not the aim. You don't have to be like me, you don't have to follow my example, all you have to do is take control of your own life and steer it in the direction you want to go. I really really want you to do that, will you make a start today?

If you are happy most of the time, that's great, if you are happy all of the time, that's brilliant, you are where you want to be. I suggest you keep a happy diary, note down the times when you are happy, and the times where you are not. Is it a good balance? We all have to do things we don't want to, that's life, but to repeatedly do the things we really don't want to do, that's daft. I don't repeatedly get my Dyson out, and do the dusting, because I get no pleasure from it at all, but I do get pleasure out of getting the best food bargains, it's a challenge, it's fun to try and beat the system, and to keep on top of the game.

All through my life I have been able to move on, don't like my job, get another one. don't like the boyfriend, get another one. Resistance to change can lead you up a dead end. I don't want to be in a dead end, I want a way out, and that is down to me, no one else. The only dead end I expect to be in is when I am on my death bed, hopefully by that time I will have done all I want to do, and going through the door will be a happy occasion.

Love the words of this song.

Are you with me on this? If it aint broke you don't need to fix it, but if your engine is a coughing and a spluttering and about to conk out, why not give yourself a full service. You can do it.

Thanks for reading, and best wishes.
Toodle pip


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