Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday Mutterings

Hello. Those red skies at night are certainly most welcome, as they are giving us some wonderful spring days. Wall to wall sunshine again today. Hope it lasts for a couple more days, another walk is arranged with my two buddies, and if it's nice tomorrow I shall be off out. 
It was crafty club this morning, members were a bit thin on the ground for various reasons, sickness and other arrangements, but we did welcome back Ali who has been missing for a few months. New lady Linda was having some crochet instruction from Ann, and looked like she was enjoying herself. 
The brown bin was emptied, mine was the only one in the street which was put out on the front, no one else had done any gardening. The weather was so nice I did an hour in the back garden this afternoon and the bin is half full again. 
I paid a visit to Stan the Library man, he was talking about the Lincolnshire library service being under threat because of cuts in the council budget. He doesn't think it will affect us in North Lincolnshre. I hope not, I enjoy my walk to the van to change my books. Think I will start taking out more, to bump up the numbers, it may help us keep it longer. The van itself is quite new, so I don't think they will be handing it back and terminating the lease just yet. 
How do you like this T shirt? I took a couple of bags of stuff to the Age UK charity shop last week, and had a browse while I was there. This looked about my size so I nabbed it for £1. It's like new, no bobbles, no wear under the armpits, no stains, and not faded. Bargain I thought. It's a lovely turquoise colour. Think I will replenish my T shirt store, some of my old ones aren't fit to wear, they need moving on, preferably to crafting projects. 
No faff in the kitchen today, too much salad to eat, didn't need to turn the cooker on. Bran Flakes for breakfast. Banana and grapes for elevenses. Mushroom pasta salad, salad leaves, and the rest of the butternut pate, for lunch. Dinner was more salad leaves and Fetta and Chickpea salad. No pictures, you know what it looks like. Got to finish off the rice noodles tomorrow. I inspect the fridge contents three or four times daily to make sure everything is eaten before it goes off. The sprouts will be ok for another week or so, potatoes ok for ages, the yogurts are in date, they reduced them because the individual pots had separated. All is well in the fridge.

Hey, I forgot to mention last night that I picked a winner out for the Denim bag. Sorry to keep you waiting, ha ha. So, who is it........

Vampire Heart 

Please send me your postal address and I will get the bag off to you. Email address on the side, or send it in a comment which I won't publish. Ta muchly.
Tatty bye and Toodle pip

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