Friday, February 13, 2015

Give this a try. Aerial picture of the walk we did

Hello. I'm trying something, don't know if it will work. Paul has sent me a link to the satellite tracking he used on the walk, he has a hand held device. I have watched it on my computer, you might be able to see the same. It runs quite slow but you can speed it up, there is a button on the bottom right hand side of the side bar >> it starts at 3, I put it up to 12 and it makes us run, very funny. You can see where we had a break, and the stopping at junctions to get our bearings checking which way to go next. Total time was 5 hours 42 minutes. We got up to 4mph on occasions, highest ascent was almost 1,000 feet. Hope it works for you.

Track map

Toodle pip

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