Saturday, February 7, 2015

Shopping bags and food - what else is there.

Hello. Someone asked about how to make a shopping bag. There is a post about this somewhere, but I'll do another one. Here I have two pieces of denim, a very large piece was given to me so I need to use it,  17 inches by 21 inches. Two handles 16 inches by 3 inches, and some coloured pieces for decoration. I stitched the squares onto one side first. Ironed the hem around the edges to make it easier, and run the machine round them. 
Then put the two sides, right side facing each other, and machine round three sides, leaving the top open. I did a zigzag stitch as well to stop fraying. 
To box the bottom, pull the two sides away from each other in the corners and flatten. Then machine across. I use the metal plate as a guide as to how far in to go. 
When I get to the end I press the reverse button and go backwards over the top of the stitches, it doesn't matter if you are not accurate.

Turn it the right way round and you have a box bottom.

At the top fold over a double hem and pin it. At this stage you can sew it if you like and take the pins out. I pin the handles on first to make a stronger join. For the handles I fold the two sides in and pin together. If your fabric is very thick you might like to make a hem along one side and fold it over to enclose the other side. 

To finish off I pushed the ends inside and hand stitched them together with a matching thread. One row of machine stitching close to the edge to hold the two sides together.
Because the fabric is very thick I attached the handles to the outside of the bag. If you use thinner fabric you could fold the ends inside and under the top hem so they are hidden. I don't think it matters for a shopping bag. When attaching the handles I measure four inches in from the sides. You can adjust the length to suit yourself. Please excuse the discolouration on this photo, the denim is dark blue, and not dirty.

A very strong shopping bag which will last ages. You can make them bigger or smaller, whatever size suits you. Make a paper pattern first by copying a bag you already have, one of those 10p plastic bags for life are ideal. 
And here we have a few words from Aussie Cheryl with her picture.
Hello Ilona,
We went to Newcastle yesterday and took some photos with my new bag for you at the beach because it was such a beautiful day.
Newcastle is my hometown and in the background is Nobby's Head.This is an iconic landmark in the city, as it was a guide into the harbour used by the sailing ships of long ago .
There weren't many people there because there had been shark sightings and someone had been bitten so the beach was closed for swimmers !
I hope these photos are ok.

Thanks very much for sending this Cheryl, it looks lovely and warm where you are. I will add it to the page above. If anyone else has one of my bags and could send a picture that would be great. Email address on the side bar.

What were my simple meals for today then? I bought this pate from Waitrose yesterday, reduced from £2.40 to 45p. Who would pay £2 chuffin 40 for this, must be bonkers.

I used half the pack on a bed of spinach and chopped spring onions, and mushrooms. I must say, I wasn't impressed, no taste at all. Can't be that difficult to make your own for a fraction of the price. The spinach was nice, ha ha.

Dinner was more spinach and spring onions, cooked in a little oil with a shake of spices and two eggs scrambled in it. Served with iceberg lettuce and Leerdammer cheese. Bloomin lovely. Thank you all for your simple non faff meal suggestions, it's surprising what goes together if you give it a try.

Guess who I saw today. I went to the library to borrow some ordnance survey maps, was a bit miffed because they hadn't got all those I needed. On the new books display in the middle of the room was our Jack. Doesn't she look grand on the front cover of her new book. I was tempted to borrow it, but I left it there for someone who has more need of it than me. Good on yer girl!
That's it for now. I had to leave this when I was half way through it, I've been to Tesco for the Yellow Sticker dash. Good haul tonight, lots to choose from, plenty for everyone. Catch you tomorrow. Have a nice Sunday.
Toodle pip.

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