Thursday, February 19, 2015

Heidi's revenge

Heidi cat has been in the wars, and I think the enemy is Mayze cat. The two have been sparring up to each other for some time. There has been the odd kerfuffle but mostly I have been here and as referee I have been able to shout a few choice words and clap my hands to split them up. I thought they might have grown out of it by now and called a truce. I can't think who else could be the culprit of these injuries, unless she has had a tiff with her boyfriend Mickey from two doors down. Come to think about it, I haven't seen him hanging around for a while, maybe he has transferred his affections elsewhere.  
Mayze was the first one to arrive, then Heidi came about six months later, so I imagine that Mayze was a tad miffed when a new kid on the blog invaded her territory.

It's raining buckets this morning so I've decided to keep them in where I can watch them. I might need to isolate Heidi to give her battle scars a chance to heal. Mayze keeps giving her the evil eye and threatening to punch her. Neither cat likes this arrangement very much as they both like the run of the garden. After a couple of hours the lure of the great outdoors is proving rather frustrating for Heidi, she aims to get her revenge by disrupting my attempts to work on the landscape picture.

As I type this she has another plan of action, lying across the desk in front of me so I have to reach over her. Not to worry, I have devised a very cunning diversion strategy. The smell of grilled chicken wafts in from the kitchen, aha, the taste buds are stimulated, and the licking of lips has begun. In a few minutes it will be eyes down tuck in, and all thoughts of battle will be quelled as they settle down for an afternoon nap with a full tum. That's the plan anyway. Got to go, I think it's time. As slave of this household I am expected to fulfill my duties.
Toodle pip.

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