Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Fun and games with a friend.

Hello. I had a visitor today. I met blog reader Simplesista about a year ago when I was over in Yorkshire for a few days, so as it was time for a catch up and she had a day off work, she came here. It was great to see her again, we never stopped talking, so much to say. After a cuppa, yes I have got tea bags, and a tour of the garden, we went to the cash and carry so she could grab a few bargains. She is very price conscious so I knew she would appreciate some cheap food with a growing family to feed. 
Back home for lunch, we sat in the garden. She had her pack up, and I made a sandwich, then we went for a walk and had a bimble through the woods. We came across this swing and couldn't resist having a go. 

On the way back up the hill I wondered if Joanna was in, she lives in the 1939 house, and yes she was, so we stopped for a natter. We found her in the garden putting some plants into the ground. She very kindly let us look around her house. I have seen it before, but Simplesista was quite excited to see it in the flesh.

The time went far too quickly, we had a photo outside the summer house just before she left to go home. There is a blur across the middle of it, not sure how that happened. I look like a giant compared to her, she is tiny.

It was great to see her again. Thanks for coming over, SS, I enjoyed the day.

The pressure is off now and I don't have to chase anyone for votes, but blow me down, I did my walk and met someone who didn't know anything about the competition. That's one vote I missed out on, probably missed more. Anyway, all done and dusted so I can relax. It will be a long wait for the results, they won't be revealed until later on in the year. Thank you all for voting.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

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