Sunday, June 26, 2016

What a friendly day

Hello. I've had a fandabidozi day, haven't been very productive in the arts and craft department, but had a smashing time with friends. A knock on the door this afternoon and a surprise visit from Julie and Frank,  from Norfolk, I last saw them in September when I went over there for a holiday. They are here staying at the caravan park for a few days, visiting in the area. They still have friends in the village even though they left here a few years ago, they like to come back now and again. It was lovely to see them.
I was invited for tea at the 1939 house, my friend Joanna was having friends over and she sent a text asking me to come along and meet them. Here they are, also dressed in their 40's style clothes. She had made a stew for them in a big pot on the range, I had beetroot sandwiches, fruit pie and cream, and cake. It was lovely. After a discussion about the recent political events we changed the topic to a light hearted banter, and had a right good laugh. It was great fun.  
I've got some photo's of the exhibition I saw yesterday at the Arts Centre but I'll save them until tomorrow. And some photo's of one of my raised beds, I'll post them sometime this coming week.

It's raining now, I was hoping to do a second walk tonight but I don't think I'll bother. Four more days to the end of the month and I have 15 miles left to do to get to the magic 500. How are you all doing? Still soldiering on I hope. I must admit I am getting a bit bored with the same route, so I will get on the bikehike web site and work out a different route, though I am a bit limited here, living in a smallish village. Some of the roads leading to and from the village have fast moving traffic so it would be dangerous to take my chances there. I prefer a tarmac surface when I am walking fast to enable me to keep to three miles in 50 minutes.

I'm chillin with a glass of wine. I'm finding I'm having longer gaps between bottles, it just sends me to sleep, even one glass makes me feel dozy. I only buy one bottle a month now. A four pack of cider lasts me about two months, that has the same effect.

I'll wrap this up before I nod off. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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