Saturday, June 4, 2016

Not many flowers out yet? Cheat.

Hello. A murky start this morning but this afternoon it's roasting in the garden. I have to keep popping indoors to cool down. It's still hot now at gone six o clock. The kids are no use at all when it comes to gardening. They usually follow me around to keep me company, but today there was hardly any life in them. Heidi chose to doze under the bushes. 
Bugsy took refuge under the pallet table to get out of the full sun.

And Mayze was flat out on her back in the nest she made in the long grass. Her head was hidden.

I have been tidying up the raised beds. I have to admit to buying a few more plants. I bought some Fuchsias from Aldi,  and a few from a stall in the market. The colour you see though is cheats flowers, they are plastic, and they were free, ha ha. The sunflower is real. 
 The seeds and bulbs I planted are beginning to show.

In all this greenery I am not sure which are from seeds, and which are weeds. This is what you get when you scatter seeds will nilly. I've pulled up a few potato plants out of here.
Too darn hot. Still got my long baggy shorts as you can see. They are wearing well. 
Sorry, no picture of Rocky, he is sprawled out on his bed indoors, too hot for him outside. I'm going to have to wait an hour or so before I go for a walk, wait till it cools down.

Tatty byes for now. Have a good weekend. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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