Friday, February 15, 2013

A walk along the Viking Way, and back

Should 'ave cleaned the windows today. Should 'ave done some washing today. Should 'ave got the Dyson out today. Should 'ave had a bath today. Should 'ave changed the bedding today. Should 'ave done a lot of things today, but I didn't. I went walking instead, ha ha. It was such a lovely day, would 'ave been a shame to waste it. 
I drove the 18 miles to Barnetby le Wold, I may have posted about this place before, it's on the way to Immingham and the east coast. There are quite a lot of footpaths to chose from around here. I set off along the Viking Way. This is a long distance footpath, I've already done some of it mainly the bit further north, so today I am going south. If you want to read about the Viking Way, this is a good site.
Mostly it's agricultural land, tramping along fields, past farms, and through villages. It's a nice day, sunny and warmish, and squidgy underfoot.

All Saints Church at Bigby is super lovely. The building dates back to the thirteenth century, and has a lovely wooden porch. There was a very convenient wooden bench to sit on round the back, with glorious views over the fields, while I had a bite to eat.  

The next place I come to is Somerby. You can see this monument form quite a long way away.
The plaque on the side tells you all about it.
This little shelter is in Searby. It looks as if it might fall down at any minute, it's very old. The building behind it used to be the village school, but is now being renovated and turned into a house.
This is the plaque inside the shelter.
And around the back is a wooden canopy.
St Nicholas Church is opposite the shelter.
As I arrive in Grasby I noticed that there are a lot of very big, very posh, detached houses.
All Saints Church. Grasby.
This used to be the Post Office, but is now a private house.
And just opposite is the Methodist Chapel, with it's very modern stainless steel chimney stack.
I did a left turn in Grasby, crossing over the A1084, along Grasby Wold Lane. When I got to Hendale wood, I did a left turn onto a bridleway which ran alongside the wood. It was time to head back towards the car.
About half an hour later I passed by a lot of lights, just beyond them you can see the runway at Humberside Airport.
I checked my watch, and realised that I was going to get back a bit too early, so I did a right turn and headed off towards Kirmington Vale, next to the Airport. I didn't want to cut my walk short, I have time to fit in another couple of miles. Oh my word, where has the path gone. When a farmer has ploughed a field, he is supposed to re instate the footpath, by running a tractor over it to flatten the ground. As you can see, lazy farmer has not done this, and now I have to stumble over here to the other side. Some of the ruts are a foot deep. It isn't long before the clay like soil is sticking to my boots and making them very heavy. Not good fun :o(
At New Barnetby I picked up the railway line and followed it to where my car was parked at Barnetby Station, arriving just after 5pm. Perfect timing. I've checked how far I've walked on it comes out at 13 miles. Another good day out, and I didn't spend one penny, except for a splash of petrol for the 36 mile round trip.
Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.

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