Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Give peas a chance

Here I am suitably refreshed after having a day off yesterday. Well not quite the whole day off, I did feel a tad guilty about letting you all get on with it, so I thought it was only fair that I replied to your comments, just to let you know I hadn't abandoned the ship altogether. You did a grand job, your comments were very entertaining and interesting. It's nice to see that many of you live similar lives to myself. We are all fruglers in this together, all trying our best to make the most of what we have.
I think I can safely say that the excercise was 100% successful. I enjoyed reading about your lives, and I'm sure you all learnt a bit more about each other. It would be nice if you could follow it up and click on some of the links of our fellow bloggers. Thank you for taking the time to write my post for me.
Right, what's on the menu today. A bit of a chitchat, ooops, about food again. I forgot to mention that I did go shopping last Thursday night to Tesco, that was 15 days after my last shop there, so they are never going to make any money out of me, ha ha. I wasn't able to get any reduced veg, none left, but I did get some salad, and I got loads of good quality bread loaves, seeded, wholemeal, and granary, all for 15p a loaf, that's 90% off. My freezer is full now. 
Todays lunch. I got a large flat bread, supposedly with cheese and tomato on it, for 11p. I cut it in half and trimmed it to fit a small frying pan. I beat two eggs in a bowl and added some minced garlic and a splash of milk. I'll just mention here that the jars of Nishaan Minced Garlic are on special offer in Tesco at the moment, at 75p. I stocked up on it. Then I put half the mix into the lightly oiled pan, and put in the bread and poured the rest of the egg on top. I added four slices of tomato and some grated cheese to it, and cooked the bottom on the hob, and the top under the grill. Ate it with half a packet of salad leaves, very tasty, bit like a pizza, but much better with the egg cooked into it.   
Tonight's dinner was another veg curry. The celeriac, leeks and one of the peppers were given to me. The red onions I got from Aldi, won't be getting them again, there were four rotten ones in the pack. Although I photographed these ingredients before I started I didn't need them all. I filled the big pan up to the top, and  have plenty for several more meals.
I cut the peppers up and zapped them in the blender first, this chops the skin into tiny pieces.  
I was halfway through making this and I realised I had to go out, I put it all in the pan, with curry powder, two veg stock cubes, garlic, turmeric, and black pepper, got it to the boil, simmered for five minutes, then switched it off and left it. When I got back later and checked it, I was surprised that it had all cooked through and was ready to eat. I didn't bother to make any rice, a slice of bread with it was enough.
I found these green split peas in Morrisons when I went in for a browse to compare prices, and buy some Whiskas dry cat food on special offer. I thought I would get these, the packet was 45p, not sure why they are a lot cheaper than yellow split peas. It says high in protein on the packet so it's a good food to buy.
Anyway, I thought I wouldn't faff around cooking just a few of them, why not put the whole packet in a bowl to soak. I can find lots of uses for them, will probably bulk up the veggie curry with them when I have eaten some of it. Blimey, they haven't half grown a lot, they have swelled to double their size. This bowl is a really big fruit bowl. Good job I love peas, and for that price they are worth buying. I think I'm going to do a little experiment with them, I will make up a new recipe, ha ha. Watch this space.
I am itching to get on with another art project, but I'm struggling for ideas. I did have something in mind, but I need to visualise how I might put it together. Maps spring to mind. I'll get there eventually. 
Toodle pip. 

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