Sunday, February 10, 2013

Quiet Sunday in

What a dreary day weather wise it's been today, didn't inspire me to go anywhere, not even out the back to do a bit more tidying in the garage. That job will have to wait for another day. Never mind, me and the pusscats have had a lovely day indoors. My very best friend Bugsy is getting on a bit now, he has been with me for about 16 years, just plods around, sleeps a lot, and enjoys sunning himself on the window sill, when there is any sun that is.  
Mayze came with four kittens, they were found new homes, Mayze stayed here.
Heidi also came with four kittens, again new homes were found. She stayed. She loves her new cushion.
I've been getting on with the latest artwork, I didn't have any definate picture in my mind before I started. I keep adding bits to it, stepping back from it and studying it. It's not telling me anything at the moment, I think that's because it's quite a boring shape, sort of square-ish. It's an experiment in texture and colour. At the moment it's all yellow, but I'm thinking about how to add the colour.  
I've been listening to Radio4 a lot today, and caught The Food Programme. The topic of the moment is the horse meat scandal. I knew the meat content of burgers and processed meat was pretty bad, full of all sorts of crap, but I didn't think it was that bad. Apparently we have huge frozen blocks of yucky suspect meat coming into the country from all over the place, Romania, Poland, and goodness knows where. In fact there seems to be very few checks made by the food standards agency, of foreign slaughter houses and factories.
The manufacturers are under so much pressure from the supermarkets to meet the price demanded of them, that they cut corners all over the place, and end up using all the unpalatable bits of the animal to bulk the food out. Even feathers go into the mix.
Neglected horses in Ireland are rounded up and used in food production, the USA ships 100,000 horses a year over here, and the processed meat which ends up on our shores has had a very long and tangled journey half way across the world. God knows what processes it has been through before it reaches our dinner tables. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick. 
If you want to listen to The Food Programme you can do so here.....
In the meantime, here is my lovely veggie dinner. The last portion of veg curry, bulked out with peas, with steamed brocolli, potato, and celeriac. Not a dead animal in sight.
Bye bye for now. Toodle pip.

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