Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What a handsome boy

Not a lot to say tonight. I've been working on my artything project most of the day. For saying I didn't have much idea on what to put on it when I started, it seems to be coming together quite nicely now. I've decided not to add any other colours to it, so the whole thing will be yellow, different shades of yellow to be precise. I have made one or two mistakes, like not planning how I was going to lay out the design, just randomly adding stuff, and using materials which are not yellow, and absorbent, and finding that the paint seeps into it so it needs several coats. I've just got a bit left to do, so with a bit of luck it might be finished tomorrow. It is nothing like the previous pieces, an experiment really. I like trying new ideas and seeing if they work. I will take a photo of some of the raw materials so you can see how I did it.
Anyway, what's a photo of Henry doing here. I took a couple of hours out this morning and went over to Helen's house where we took Henry for a walk. We like to have a catch up now and again, a good natter and a cuppa. As I was about to leave, Henry plonked himself by the back door. Come on Henry, are you going to let me out, ha ha. Not untill you give me a treat first says Henry. I whipped out the camera, he is such a poser, ha loves having his photo taken.  

Oh, I am such a handsome boy.
Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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