Monday, February 4, 2013

Your turn.....

Hey, I'm having a day off today, can't be bothered to write a blog post, so I'm handing it over to you. All you peeps out there can write it for me. Howzabout it? What have you got to say then?

Here are some topic suggestions.....
What I did yesterday.
What am I going to do today.
What I do to save money.
What do I spend my money on.
What crafty things I have made.
What did I make for dinner.
Where I am planning to go on holiday.
Where do I go shopping.

And any other topic you can think of. Burnsy calls his show on the radio  a Free for all Friday, when he can't think of anything to say.

So this is the Monday Magazine, where I get to read what you have to say. Yes, you got it, basically it's a cop out, so get your thinking caps on. Ha ha. Usual rules apply. Spam will be zapped. Sarcasm and nit picking, will be zapped. Comments subject to my approval before they are published. I'll be back later to check up on you.
Toodle Pip.
PS. Anyone got any good jokes?  

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