Saturday, February 16, 2013

Not the Domestic Goddess, just how I do things.

Complete turnaround today. Yesterday I took one look at the jobs that needed doing round the house, and went out. Today I groaned, and thought I had better get on with a few of them, otherwise I will be getting bogged down and never catch up. I stripped the bed and filled the washer, putting it on a 30 minute cycle. I put the water on for a bath, and set about cutting and colouring my hair. Here is the finished article. Once again I hacked at it using two mirrors opposite each other, and a pair of dressmaking scissors. The colour was from Poundland, I can get away with using half of it and saving the other half for later. Looks quite good I think, and exactly how I like it.   
The washing went on the line, a lovely blowy sunny day, it soon dried. The pots were washed, four days worth in one bowl of water in the sink. Then I had lunch, spaghetti and scrambled eggs on toast. 
After lunch it was soak in the bath time. I forgot to put some bubbly stuff in it, and as I lay there, I thought perhaps I don't even need it. Have you ever walked past a house when they have just let the bath water down the drain, the perfume from the smellies they added waft down the whole street. I'm sure some of them must put the whole bottle in for it to smell that strong.
I thought I would conduct an experiment, have a bath without using any soap or bath foam, just use water. I normally scrub myself all over anyway, that gets rid of the dead skin. So, here are my bathing tools. The pumice stone can be used anywhere where the skin is tough enough to take it. As well as feet, I use it on legs, arms, shoulders, bum, and back as far as I can reach. The scrubby gloves reach all the places the pumice stone can't, all the nooks and crannies. And the back brush is, well, for the back obviously. I dry myself with a rough towel, (don't use fabric conditioner), while standing in the bath, then step out and finish off. I feel perfectly clean, my skin is smooth, so no more toiletries are needed, just a dab of moisturiser on my face. So I don't think it is necessary to put a load of gunk in your bath, waste of money, and bad for the environment. When I've used up the stuff I've got, I won't be buying any more of it. Mind you, I've got about five years supply. If I use it sparingly it will last ten years, ha ha. And don't forget, my bath water stays in the bath and is used to flush the toilet. 
My next job was to run the Dyson round, downstairs. The cat hairs are building up, I know I said I can live with them, but when they reach knee height something needs to be done, ha ha. Also the living room floor was looking a bit messy after my last crafting project.
My upright Dyson is not very good at cleaning round the edges of the carpet, right up to the skirting board, so I've found a way of making a better job of it. I usually get down on my hands and knees with the nozzle attachment, but even this does not do a perfect job. Anyway, I've made a little video of how I tackle this problem. See what you think.

Next job was get the washing in off the line, and make up the bed. Tonight I made a big pan of carrot curry, well it's mainly carrots, with some potatoes, onions, and a tin of sweetcorn. My usual simple recipe, three teaspoons of curry powder, one teaspoon of turmeric, two teaspoons of garlic out of the jar, one veg stock cube, a handfull of sultanas, three dessertspoons of porridge oats. My, does it taste good. I will be eating this for the next three days, might freeze some if I get fed up of it. Sometimes I have it with a spud in the microwave, or pasta, or cous cous, or even on it's own with a piece of bread.
While this was cooking I made a start on the windows. I cleaned three of them on the inside, Will do the rest another time. Phew, busy day today, at least I'm making some progress with the jobs. Nearly forgot, my pants drawer in the bedroom wardrobe was broken at the back. When I pulled it all the way out to see what the problem was, I found a load of pants which had dropped down behind the drawers. I wondered why I hadn't got as many pairs as I should have, I know I haven't thrown any away lately. So, I'm happy, I have found my lost pants, and mended the drawer.
Toodle pip.

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