Monday, February 11, 2013

I can see the wood for the trees

The morning wasn't too good today, dull, overcast, and cold, so I stayed indoors and got on with the artwork. I must say it's coming together nicely now. I ran out of the yellow paint I was using, so had to continue with a slightly lighter shade of yellow. It looks quite good, so now I'm not sure that it needs any other colours. Have to think about it.
After lunch the weather picked up a bit so I carried on sorting the garage out. Here you can see what a mess it is, piles of wood everywhere, think I have a wood fetish, ha ha. A lot of this was collected from B & Q when I worked there. Some pallets were picked up from the back door of Wickes, the DIY store. They have a special pile where they put stuff they don't want, anyone can help themselves. If I see a nice pallet I can't drive past it without stopping to pick it up.
There is a paste table on the right, buried under stuff and about to collapse. Old kitchen cupboards come in handy for storing small stuff.
I've got stacks of blue plastic trays, retrieved from the skip outside the takeaway. They had mushrooms delivered in them and they are non returnable, so they get thrown away. 
Right, get some of the large items outside, so I have room to work.
That's a big improvement, long lengths of wood on the right hand side, lots of rubbish thrown out. Cardboard broken up and put in the recycling bin.
Timber sorted into lengths, oddments of pallets stacked up on the left.
Nice tidy stack of wood here, now I can see what I've got without having to shift a load of stuff.
The canes are stacked up on the right, ready for the runner beans. Now I can walk in without falling over things. Much better, job well done.  I must say I quite like my garage, well it's more a shed really. It's a bit tumbledown, but it serves it's purpose. I can do a bit of potting up in there if the weather isn't too good.
Library day today, so I took half an hour out to change my books. I'm a bit limited for choice in the van, as I only read non fiction, and they don't seem to get many new books in. Never mind, I managed to find four, just have to expand my horizons a bit more and read about new topics.
Dinner tonight was steamed brocolli, leeks, potatoes, and celeriac, with half a 99p cauliflower cheese Value ready meal. It was very nice, and oh so filling.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.

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