Thursday, June 27, 2013

Enough to tempt me?

A leaflet came through the door today, Postie delivered it with a couple of real letters. At one time junk mail used to be delivered with the free newspaper, but we don't get that any more, so now it comes with Royal Mail. Annoying that it is, I can see the logic of the work being taken on by a national company which delivers to every home in the UK. If it means that thousands get to keep their jobs, even though sending stuff by snail mail is in decline, then so be it. 
I always flick through the leaflets to see if there are any bargains that I should be taking advantage of, but nine times out of ten, there is nothing to tempt me to take a trip across town to stock up on one solitary item. I thought I would go through this Morrisons leaflet to see if I should be waiting at the door on the morning of July the 1st, ready to join the stampede at opening time. I was intending to mark each item with a tick or cross indicating a yes or a no, but the paper is so flimsy the first cross went through to the other side. For those interested in food shopping prices, and why I would or wouldn't buy these items, read on. By the way, this is not a sponsored advert for Morrisons, in fact I don't very often visit their store, it is the other side of town, and I am not impressed by the quality of their fresh fruit and veg. On the occasions that I have bought it, it starts to look tired a day or two after getting it home.
On the front cover, Pizza, I never buy pizzas. What are they, baked dough with a topping, usually cheese and tomato. Filling maybe, but not good for you, too much stodge. Coca cola, I never buy it, rots your teeth, good for cleaning toilets apparently, God knows what it does to your insides. Magnum ice cream, you all know I love Magnums, but I do not buy them in a box of three at the supermarket because I would get them home and scoff the lot. I like them as an occasional treat when I am out and about.

Free range eggs, yes I would buy them at 97p. White bread, I don't buy it, always has to be wholemeal, or wholegrain, or seeded. White is tasteless and like cotton wool. Tin of tomatoes, own brand for 31p. I have some tomatoes in my cupboard which cost me 25p, so this is not cheap enough for me. Tuna chunks, I have given up buying tinned fish, the price has gone through the roof. White French stick bread, 75p. No thanks, too expensive. and tasteless.
Bananas, yes, good price. Sausages, no meat in this house apart from cat food. 2 litres of milk, no, I don't buy plastic bottles of milk. I have soya milk on my cereals, and Coffee Mate powder in my coffee.
I wouldn't buy anything on this page. Mulitpacks encourages binge eating and drinking, and it's all crap. If I am going to indulge in chocolate I will get a small bar very occasionally as a treat. I never buy fizzy drinks. The price of crisps is ridiculous, I don't buy expensive brands, if I indulge it will be cheap supermarket label, and then only once in a while.  
The only alcohol I have in the house is a bottle of wine now and again for a treat, I buy one when I fancy it, never stockpile booze. I sometimes buy a fourpack of the cheapest cider. The Robinsons orange squash is a no, it's too dear. I can get it at the cash and carry for 50p.
I always buy mature cheddar cheese, the mild stuff is tasteless. This 350 gram Pilgrims is an ok price but you have to watch the pack sizes, they are reducing, but the price is increasing. I don't buy Philly sof cheese, I get Tesco own brand, a lot cheaper and just as good. Six pack Muller Corner, a definate no. I put my own tinned fruit in cheap plain yogurt. No to breaded ham, Rappor coffee, Uncle Bens rice, teabags, Uncle Bens sauce, Takeaway Feasts whatever they are, and Haagen Dazs ice cream. All too expensive, I don't drink tea, and like Nescafe.  
More sweet junk. Petits no thanks Munch Bunch puddings, no no no. Innocent juice a good price and nice juice, but still more expensive than the cartons I get. Utterly Butterly, I might buy this if it is cheaper than the  olive spreads that I buy. No to fish fingers, I've given up with them, hardly any fish, mostly breadcrumbs. No to McCains oven chips. I don't use the oven, and don't eat chips at home. Scampi bites, no, at £4 a packet.
Yes to fruit and veg, though I only buy British tomatoes when in season, foreign ones have hard skins and are tasteless. Cherries are generally out of my price range, but I will buy a treat if they are on offer. I don't buy baby new potatoes, I get the cheapest own label ordinary potatoes. Don't care if they are old or new. Look at the price of meat and fish, even if I wanted to eat it I couldn't afford it. Best without it.
Aha, toiletries, what have we here. Body spray, anti perspirent, Radox bath muscle soak, moisturising shower cream, shampoo conditioner, all good names, all big prices. Don't need them, cheaper toiletries do the job for me, Tesco Everyday Value. The Colgate toothpaste is expensive, supposed to whiten your teeth. I look for the offers, don't mind which brand, even the Value toothpaste is ok. Blimey isn't it expensive to shave, 5 Wilkinson Sword £4.49, don't think I will be taking that up.
So, maybe not Morrisons, though there is something which might tempt me. They have a £3 voucher off a £30 spend, I might look into it further when I need to go shopping.
Toodle pip

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