Monday, June 17, 2013

A bimble round Alford.

Hello. This post concludes the three day report of my trip to Woody's Top Youth Hostel in the Lincolnshire Wolds. After my very brief visit to Alford the day before, I decided to come back in the car and have a proper look around. I said goodbye to my room mates, which took ages because we couldn't stop nattering. I didn't get to Alford until nearly lunch time, parked in a side road and walked into town. How sad that this lovely thatched roof building is going to rack and ruin. The hotel is boarded up, let's hope that someone will come along and revive it with some TLC.
That's interesting, another church has found a new role in it's life, it is now a furniture showroom and warehouse. I took a peek inside but didn't go in as the furniture looked a bit top notch and pricey. It was obvious I wasn't a customer, just some nosey old biddy wanting to have a poke around. Unlike the other church at Horncastle, the interior had been completely redesigned with the addition of an upper floor. It was hard to imagine it as a church.  Good to see it has been given a new lease of life. 
A bit further up the road is Alford Manor House. There was a £2.50 charge to go in that I didn't mind paying, as it is run by volunteers, and all money goes towards it's upkeep. It was built in 1611, and is reported to be the largest thatched Manor House in the country. There is a very good web site if you want more information.
Alford Manor House. I see they have their annual Food and Drink Fair on Sunday 30th of June, and admission is free to the house, gardens, and museum. Open 10am to 4pm. Worth a look if you are in the area.
A little tour around the house. This is a beautiful German cabinet.

The school room.

There are not many artefacts on display, because it is the house itself. and particularly the construction of it, that is important. This section of wall has been left to show what is underneath the plaster.
The scullery is outside, across the courtyard.
In the corner is the copper, used for heating the water. A fire is lit underneath it.
St Wilfreds Church juts out into the road. I can remember years ago coming through Alford with a massive load on my trailer, struggling to get round the bends. A lot of heavy loads come this way en route to Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal.
There are several wall hangings in the church, this one I particularly liked because of the vibrant colours, and the novel way the little figures had been crafted out of wool.

Alford is famous for it's five sailed windmill. Alas it was not working on the day I was there. If you want to check opening times you can do, on their web site.
A fruit shop with it's wares displayed outside on the pavement. Looks tempting but I would rather not buy my fruit when it has been left out all day on a busy road, getting smothered in traffic dust and fumes.
The council offices.
A hotel in the Market Square.
There is a plaque on the wall, to the right of the front door.
The weather had started to deteriorate, and the threat of rain made me hurry back to my car. My overall impression of Alford was that it was a bit shabby, and not much to do and see there. I think I should have chosen a Tuesday to visit because that is market day and there is a lot more going on. My mistake in not doing enough research.

The heavens opened on the way home, and it hammered it down, which rather pleased me as I was getting a free car wash. I called in to visit a friend as I was passing through Brigg, it was good to have a coffee and a catch up.

I will post pictures of Uncle Stan's party tomorrow, it was a fantastic 'do', everyone enjoyed it. I made a little video which has turned out quite well. Bye for now.
Toodle pip.

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