Sunday, June 2, 2013

The 1939 house - with photo's

Copied from previous post.
I've had a spivving afternoon, I took a trip back in time to 1939. Joanna lives in a small terraced house here in my village, and today she had an open day. I first met her a few months ago on the bus coming back from town, and immediately fell in love with her style. Her clothes were from the thirties, and her makeup and hair was in keeping with the whole thirties look. Yesterday I saw her again and she told me about the open day. I have taken lots of photo's but it will take me a while to sort them out. In the meantime, you may like to look at this web page which will give you a taste of 1939. I will add my photo's to this post when they are ready, possibly tonight.
Catch you later.

I am ready, well half ready, I will split the photo's into two or three posts, there are so many of them. I just couldn't stop clicking. There are also photo's of the Heritage Group Fun Day as well, down at the bottom pub. I will save them for later. So, this is Joanna's 1939 house. She has been mad about the thirties/forties for a long time and has been collecting memorabilia from that era, buying things from car boot sales, charity shops, and Hemswell Antiques Centre, which is a few miles south of here. Forties music was blasting out into the street when I arrived.  

Entry was down the side passage, first off was the outside lavvy, ha ha, brings back memories of sitting out in the freezing cold with my knickers round my ankles. We had an outside lavvy in 1966.
Next to it is the coal hole. Also housing the garden tools.

Plenty of firewood stacked up next to the old metal dustbin. Remember those dustbins? The bin man used to grab the handle and hoist it on his back before depositing the rubbish into the lorry. No health and safety then.
These two ladies turned up, don't they look lovely.
There is a small back kitchen with a single cold tap over the sink.

The wooden clothes horse, ah yes, we had one of those when I was a nipper.
The dolly tub and washboard, no modern appliances here. This is how Joanna does her washing.
The mangle and wooden ironing board.
My mum was always mincing food. This is a beauty. The bread bin is under the table.

The fire in the range was roaring, it was sweltering in there. All the water is heated on here, for cooking, washing, and bathing.
My grandma had one of these clothes dryers. There was always something on it.
It was like being in a museum, a fascinating array of  bits and bobs from many years ago.

The glass fronted cabinet with the best glass and china on display.

More friends came to help Joanna show the visitors round the house.
I'm going to stop there, I will post more photo's tomorrow.

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