Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The 1939 house, even more photo's

I see from the comments on the previous posts that you are enjoying the photo's from the 1939 house, there are plenty more. This is Joanna. I spoke to her on the phone last night, (she has a mobile), because there was one or two points which I wanted to confirm with her, and also ask her a couple of questions which came up in the comments.
Her interest in the thirties and forties started when she was a little girl visiting her grandmother. She always felt safe and happy in the house. As she grew up she loved watching old films and listening to old records. She always wanted a house like her grandmothers, and now she says she is living her dream.
She lives in the house just as it is. Yes, she does use the dolly tub and mangle to do her washing. Wash day is a Monday, she likes to get it all done in one day. The water is heated on the range, and she also cooks her meals on it. There is only one cold tap in the house, over the kitchen sink. She has a tin bath, and she lives exactly as they did in 1939.
Joanna works three days a week at a local supermarket, and cycles the five miles to work, and back, in sun, rain, wind and snow. She got a puncture once and had to walk to the bike shop to get it repaired. 
The corner of her front parlour.

Do you recognise Joanna in this photo.
A trip down memory lane, family photo's.
A beautiful old record player.

Patterns to make your own clothes.

This is a friend, who likes to dress the part.
More memorabilia on the sideboard and table.
A hand embroidered table cloth.

Doesn't it look cosy. I can vouch that the sofa is as comfy as it looks.
There are a few more photo's left for tomorrow. Joanna would love more visitors to her house as she enjoys talking about how she lives. There has been mention of television programmes of people living in this era, more of an experiment to see how they cope, Joanna lives this way all the time.

Sunny day again, I'm off out. Back later to catch up on any comments. Toodle pip. 

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