Monday, June 3, 2013

The 1939 house, more photo's

Oh Lordy, more photo's of the 1939 house, keep plodding on, here's another batch. I had to flit from room to room as there was a bit of congestion with so many people visiting. It was getting a bit of a squash to get the photo's so some of them are not in any particular order. This looks like the sideboard in the front parlour.

The dressing table in the master bedroom.
The fireplace in the master bedroom. Fancy having a bucket of coal next to your bed.
Two more of the dresser. Click on the photo's to enlarge.

Next is the spare room. Excuse the quality of the photo's it was difficult with the sun streaming in through the windows.

The guest bed. Joanna offers an overnight stay if you wish to have a full 1939 experience.  
The dressing gown felt like it was made out of horsehair, very heavy and rough to the touch. I remember those.

Pee pot if you need it in the night, ha ha.
A bedside table. Don't forget to blow the candle out before you fall asleep.
Hang your outdoor coats here, at the bottom of the stairs in between the two rooms.
Another taste of 1939. Thank you for reading so far, more to come. It's sunny and I must go outside and do things. Toodle pip, catch you tomorrow with more pics.

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