Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The 1939 house, last few photo's

If you've got this far with the 1939 house, well done, you are near the end now. Here are the last few photo's. The sideboard in the front parlour.  
This looks like one of the first Hoover Junior's to come off the production line. I'm not sure if it is still in use, the bag looks empty, I suspect Joanna cleans the floors with a brush and pan.

Don't you think this fireplace has a lot of character, and looks so much more interesting than the awful modern ones we have today. This has a homely feeling about it.

A few old coins. I found a farthing and a halfpenny in my drawer, which I gave to her to add to the collection. 
Oh my word, an old Ewbank carpet sweeper.
This is unusual, not a clock, looks like a barometer. Feel free to put me right if you know better.
I remember these 3D pop up greeting cards. There were the sort you want to keep forever.
Thanks for coming on this 1939 journey, so pleased I took the time to take the photo's and post them here, a lovely record of my visit. If I have any more news from Joanne I will pass it on here. I would like to visit again, and discover a bit more of her unusual lifestyle.
Thank you Heleng and Manchester Lass for mentioning Time Warp Wives. I was going to say I will have a look at that, but half an hour later I have just finished watching it. I really ought to be somewhere else, but hey ho, I'm retired, my time is my own, I can do what I like. Here you go, have a look for yourselves.
I've got blog posts coming out of my earholes at the moment. The Forties Day photo's from Sunday are yet to be posted, and yesterday I had a day out at Sleaford, so there's more there to write about. Now, I'm off to do a bit of gardening for Helen, so Toodle pip till tomorrow.

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