Thursday, October 3, 2013

Don't leave it for others to sort out

I've been meaning to do a little job for a while now, and hopefully it will soon be done. My Will is ten years old, and some details need changing. We all move on in life, nothing stands still, people move, and some we lose touch with. Our priorities change, as do our financial circumstances, and we need to update the legal document which will ensure that our wishes will be carried out after our death.
If you have not yet drawn up a Will, I suggest you seriously think about getting it done. It will save a lot of possible legal wrangling between relatives and friends which could go on for years. My Will is pretty simple, single and no dependants. I don't expect anyone to be scrapping about who has what, which could well happen with second marriages and extended families. Hopefully I will have spent a good chunk of my assets before I go, but if there is anything left, the distribution of it needs to be set out in a legal document.  
My last Will ten years ago was a freebie. No, I didn't write it myself, which you can do if you are sufficiently confident that you understand all the jargon. I am not. I found an advertisement offering a free Will writing service through local solicitors, with the possibility that you might wish to include a donation to one of the charities participating in the scheme. This is not compulsory, it's purely voluntary, but I thought it only fair to choose a charity from the list, and include it with my other charities. I can only afford to make small donations while I am alive, why not give a bit more after I am gone.   
I happened to come across an article on Money Saving Expert, yesterday, there is a scheme running at the moment, October is Free Wills Month. You have to be 55 or over to qualify. If you haven't made a Will, or need to update one that you already have, take a look at the article. Follow the links and check who is the nearest solicitor to you. If you wish to donate to a charity, check the list and see if there is one you would like to support. I emphasise that this is not compulsory, so don't feel embarrassed if you decide not to. Personally I think at least the cost of the Will writing service should be donated, but that is just my opinion. See, I am not really mean, ha ha.   
I have an appointment in Gainsborough next week to update my Will, so I will make a day out and have a look round the place. Apologies to my overseas readers, this scheme is for the UK only. Check on the www to see if there is a similar one in your own country, and comment here if you find one, so others may benefit. Thank you.
Moving on, a big thank you to those who have emailed me, it's nice to know a bit more about you. I am chuffed with your lovely comments, and glad you come to visit me here in Tightwad Towers. I will reply as soon as I have a minute. Welcome to my new members, glad you dropped by.
An update on the patchwork/quilt/throw thingy. It just about covers the bed now, I'll add another row  of mixed colours, then put a plain binding around the edge. Phew, almost there, watch this space.  

Anyway, must press on, need to wash the car, ready for it's MOT test next week. I have found a small garage to do the job, it will have a service as well. Small two man band = less overheads = better price.
Toodle pip

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