Monday, October 21, 2013

What a bloody mess

Lots of rain today but at least it's not cold. All the cats are in, asleep in different parts of the house, they have their favourite spots. Heidi has decided she rather likes the snugliness of the new quilt, I had to move her because I want to work on it.
First I cut four pieces from the duvet cover, ten inches wide, for the binding. I folded it in half lengthways and ironed it flat.

Next I machine stitched it to the four edges putting the folded edge onto the patchwork squares.

At this point the middle and back are just pinned down, these will get enclosed in the binding when I fold it over to the back and sew it together. I did think about using the machine again for this, but I think it will spoil the look of the front if I don't get the stitching just perfect, so now I am in the process of hand sewing the binding to the back. Time consuming but a much neater job.

The show last night was fantastic. It's billed as a Rock and Roll Pantomime and is said to be one of the best touring production shows. It's in it's tenth year and once again Steve Steinman plays the evil Baron Von Rockula, owner of the Live and Let Die club. In search of a new bride the Baron must convince Pandora who auditions for the new singing position, to cross over to the dark side, and live forever in Rock n Roll Hell.
The cast of singers, dancers, and band, were brilliant. The stage sets were amazing, fireworks, flame throwing, and flashing lights. It was full of classic rock hits that got us all up on our feet . It's the only way to watch, impossible to sit in your seat, just got to dance. Steve Steinman has a powerful voice, he does some Meatloaf numbers which were just perfect.
The lead guitarist did a solo at the front of the stage right above where I was sitting in the front row. Throwing his head around in a frenzy, his wild long hair thrashing around, his face made up to look like a vampire, when all of a sudden there was a splurge of blood pouring from his mouth, it ran down his chin and onto his chest, it looked amazing. Later on in the show, the two lady vampires bit into the neck of Pandora and emerged with blood dribbling down their chins and it went all down Pandora's white dress. The effects were amazing.
After the show some members of the cast came into the foyer to sign autographs. I didn't see Steve Steinman however, someone said he did make an appearance but he didn't stop long. A bit disappointing I thought. These two girls were fantastic dancers.
The leading lady singer had an amazing voice, by herself as solo, and doubling up with Steve.
Now this chap was brilliant. He was the comedy character, he played the drunk when he first came on stage, he was acting the fool, so funny. Then he got to sing, and he had an amazingly powerful voice. I think he should have had more songs to sing.
The dancers looked so happy and put such a lot of effort into it, they did their vampire impersonations so well. Looks like she has taken her fangs out now.

There was a stand set up to buy merchandise, which wasn't doing a big trade as the theatre was only about two thirds full.

They've still got a lot of dates left to do and seem to be criss crossing the country from now until well into next year. If you are a fan of rock and roll I can say this is a great show to see.

Must get on, want to finish the quilt. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip. Oh, and before I forget again, welcome to the new followers. I see there are now 666, you little devils, ha ha.

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