Saturday, October 5, 2013

When I was famous

Hey, what was all that about yesterday! It's ok to get a bit bored sometimes, it's ok to be fed up, but with me my down moments are very short lived, I can soon pull myself back up. Every day is a fresh new start, every day is a bonus. Yesterday is dead and gone.

I get bored with the sameness of life, routine stifles me. I have not been put on this planet to be a robot, to follow the rules, I've had enough of that in my time at work. I was a bit of a rebel, always had a lot to say for myself, now I make my own rules up.

I need a constant stream of new ideas, I need every day to be different. I get bored with my own blog sometimes, if I was someone else reading it I would think, oh no, not that again. I need to keep refreshing it. When I am struggling for a fresh new post and there is nothing in my empty head, I regurgitate something I have written before, twist it around, and put a new slant on it. I am not happy doing that. Ok, I know many of you have said you like reading, and I am chuffed, but I write my blog for me. It's like baking a cake, I put the ingredients together, and you the lovely readers are the icing on the top.

I get a buzz when I spend a long time composing something, re reading and editing it, and when I think it looks good I press the publish button and there it is. Live on the world wide web. When I chuck a few words in a pot and they come out all mixed up and it's a load of drivel, I am annoyed with myself. I haven't enjoyed it, it isn't up to standard, and I think it shows. Yes, you have probably guessed, I am very critical of my own work, always have been, because I get great satisfaction when I do it right.    

Anyway, lets move on, today is happening right now and it's not to be wasted. Tomorrow will bring something new. I've made a short film, sorry it's not the best quality. I have an old vhs video tape of a film made in the 1980's for television. I don't have the knowledge, or the right equipment, or the money, to transfer it to disc, so I just pointed the camera at the screen. I was asked to bring some of my Lady Trucker friends to a Truckstop for a night out. It was part of an hour long programme called Night Moves. I was quite famous after it went out.

I'm off out now, it's sunny. Toodle pip

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