Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Where there's a will............

Writing a will is quite complicated, a task that I wouldn't want to undertake with a DIY will bought from a stationers shop. There are will writing companies out there, but I am wary of how genuine their qualifications are. Seems to me that a solicitor is the best choice. I don't want to pay, so I am having a free one drawn up.

I've just gone through the old will I made ten years ago because it wants some serious updating. Quite honestly I had forgotten what I had put into it, and reading it again is like reading it for the first time. I am surprised how things have moved on and some of the people named are no longer part of my life. I've gone through it with a red marker pen, scrubbing out those who have drifted away. The friend I used to be very good friends with, who didn't invite me to her wedding. That hurt. The ex who has another partner. He dumped me, I was sad. The good friend who was very domineering. I didn't like the way she was always telling me what to do. I felt bullied. Thank goodness I still have one very good friend who has always been there for me, and always will be.    

Some of the charities have been given the red pen treatment, my feelings towards them have changed because of what I have found out about them in the last ten years. But it's difficult to make any informed choices about which charities to support, because the truth behind them often does not come out. I recently found out something about a local charity from an ex employee, which did not please me. I don't feel inclined to leave them anything now.

It's very difficult to work out who to leave things to, even with a small family such as mine. It must be horrendous for someone who has family complications. If I knew when I am going to die, I would have a date to work towards. Some of the people in my will might go before me, then I suppose their inheritance will be passed down to their next of kin.

If I had a dispatch date I could start giving it away before I go, that would give me great pleasure. I have always wished I could win a large sum of money, then give it away to those who need it. I would love to be the secret millionaire, like the programme on the tele. Imagine the surprised look on their faces as I handed over a cheque. Now I'm dreaming, back to this will mularky.

If I think about it, I am glad I haven't got a lot of money, imagine all the bickering that goes on after a will has been read and folks are miffed that they haven't got what they think they deserve. Money can bring out the worst in people.

I wish I didn't have to make this will, but I have to. With a bit of luck I will have got rid of most of it while I have still got my marbles. Having a good time is on my agenda.

I was going to see the solicitor tomorrow, but I've had to put it back a few days. An emergency came up, a friend got the call to go into hospital yesterday, and I am looking after his dog. A minor op, should be out soon. Short post, I'm off out tonight, giving a frugal/moneysaving/scrimping/meanqueen talk to a W I group. Donation for the pussycat rescue.
Toodle pip.

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