Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Good for you, Kate.

I feel a rant coming on, please excuse me but I have to say it. Look the other way if you don't want to read some gutter press expressions. I've just been on that tacky newspaper web site, you know the one, the Daily Load of Old Twaddle Mail. They cobble together stories about absolutely nothing. Nothing happens so they write a story about it. Yes, I am a jerk for even opening it up, I have a dip in and out of it, look at a few headlines, curse a few times, then move on.

What is the top story this morning? Shock horror, 'The Duchess of Thrift recycles her bargain £160 designer dress for a charity visit in London with her husband William'. You will never guess what she has done, worn the dress for a second time, and they remembered where she had worn it the first time. I mean, gawd, fancy that, I would never have believed that the Duchess couldn't afford to buy a new dress.

Well good on yer Kate, I hope to see you out in it again and again. Fancy picking up on something so trivial. Maybe I ought to give the newspaper a call and let them know I am wearing the same pair of trousers and fleece that I wore yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. Four consecutive days wearing the same clothes, worthy of headline news I would have thought.

I remember the gutter press hounding Princess Diana like that, and look what happened there. It must be awful to be under constant scrutiny, looking in your wardrobe every morning trying to decide what to put on. I bet the Royals don't get much say in it, somebody probably lays their clothes out for them. How awful not to be able to be yourself, not to choose your own style. Princess Diana wore some godawful dresses when she became a part of the establishment. It was only after she broke away from it that she was allowed to blossom as her own person.

Anyway, that's another story and it's in the past, if Kate wants to wear the same clothes several times, let her get on with it. I applaud her. There is too much emphasis on buying new frocks, when there are a lot of perfectly acceptable second hand ones about. And if you have a wardrobe of Royal proportions just keep rotating what you already have. Fashion goes round in circles, as long as it suits, just keep wearing it.

And another thing, while I am in full flow, why don't they ever pick holes in what the blokes are wearing. You never read about a shirt that made it's first appearance in 1992, and emerges from the wardrobe two decades later. You see some right slobbish clothes on the male celebs, nothing is ever said about that.

Leave Kate alone, she is not a clothes horse. The dress is practical on a cold day, she looks warm and comfortable, it suits her, and is right for the occasion. The fact that she wore it once before is totally irrelevant.
Glad I got that off my chest. Toodle pip.

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