Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Stocktaking your smellies

There is a monthly thread on Money Saving Forum, in the Health and Beauty money saving bit, and it's called 'No buying Unnecessary Toiletries' The idea is that you take stock of what you already have, just like you might do in your food cupboard and freezer, and stop buying any more until you have used things up. So, instead of thinking you must use that tin of tomatoes up which has been at the back of the cupboard for the last ten years, you now think about using up that half bottle of whiffy moisturiser that you are not particularly keen on, before you buy a replacement.

Makes good sense to me. My bathroom cabinet is not bulging at the seams, it is not packed full of bottles and tubes of various lotions and potions. I just have a few items which seem to last me ages because I don't go mad splashing things about. I use my toiletries sparingly so they last a long time. When I buy something new I don't go for a particular label or fragrance, I buy on price. An expensive bar of soap does not do the job of cleaning me any better than a basic affordable one. A cheap Value shampoo will clean my hair just the same as the top of the range salon variety.

I think they should rename the thread, No Buying Unnecessary Toiletries Ever Again. I know I won't need to buy anything for at least another year.
Have a look for yourself.

Post has been edited, some people have taken offence at my words. The message is still the same though, one way to save money is to stop buying unnecessary toiletries. I won't delete the whole lot  because there are some very good comments added, it would be a shame to lose them. Just shows how difficult it is to write a daily blog and please everybody all of the time, it's nigh on impossible.

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