Thursday, November 21, 2013

Love my cushions

That's another one done. I like the pinks and purples in the flowers on this one, they blend in well with the pink stripey shirt.
Looking good now, three done and two to go. Keep chipping away at it, I'll soon have a full set.  
I took some close up photo's of these red berries before, but they didn't turn out too well, so I have been back to try again. I like these shots of the whole bush a lot better. It's in someone's front garden quite close to a road junction, it looks rather stunning as you approach it.  
All the leaves have dropped off just leaving the berries. I love the contrast of the clear blue sky in the background.

I wonder how long it will be before the birds come along and fill their bellies with them. Would love to be there when they arrive, watching the pecking frenzy. I'll keep my eye on it.

A mixed bag with the weather today, started off miserable and wet with heavy showers, but now it's cool, crisp, and sunny. Don't think it will be long before we get some of that white stuff. I'm just off outside to do an hour in the garden before it starts getting dark. Could do with going to town but can't be bothered, might go tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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