Wednesday, November 13, 2013

TV free house

I see they have announced the names of the stars taking part in this years TV programme, I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. Ten people have travelled to Australia hoping to be crowned King or Queen of the jungle. From what I gather they have to live together for a few weeks, play some games, eat some horrible things, and hopefully rub along nicely while they are doing it. Except they don't. They might fall in love with each other, but they could end up hating each other, and they all end up in some state of undress. Slowly one by one they are voted out and have to leave. But it doesn't really matter if they don't last the distance because there is a big pot of money in it for them.

Looking down the list of celebs, I don't know who half of them are. What makes a celebrity, anyway, what does one have to do to earn that status I wonder. Well I know Steve Davis, I used to be an avid snooker fan years ago. He wasn't my favourite though, Terry Griffiths was more my cup of tea. David Emanuel, I've heard of him, he's a dress designer. Matthew Wright, he's on tele sometimes. Then there's the woman who plays Mo in Eastenders, never watched that programme. And then the Olympic swimmer Ms Adlington, not a sporty fan but I've heard of her. 

There you are, that's half of them. I'm pleased to say I haven't a clue who the others are. I don't mind being out of touch with what's going on. I don't have to sit in front of a box all night. I used to but not any more. When I think of all those wasted hours. I stopped watching the tele years ago, stopped paying the licence fee and got rid of the box. Wow, it felt so liberating. I was no longer a slave to it, I broke free.

So now I read bits about these programmes but don't know who's who. Don't know who skates on ice, don't know who dances around a ballroom, or who goes into the Big Brother house, and don't know those that go and live in the jungle. I don't know them and I don't care. This is a TV free house and it suits me just fine.

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