Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nature walk

You can't beat a walk in the park for getting close to nature. It's ages since I last visited Normanby Park, so this morning I put on my boots and went for a stroll amongst the trees. A lot of the leaves have already fallen, but there was still enough left on the branches to add a splash of colour to the Autumn scene. As I walked amongst them the heavy mist gathered into droplets and fell all around me like rainfall.

I came across some marker posts with a notice on saying they are going to lay an all weather track through the woods. This will be good for wheelchair users who will be able to take the same route as I am walking.

The bark of this tree is so tactile, I couldn't resist running my fingers over it. It was massive, I wonder how long it has been there.


This tree was the other side of the fence in the deer park, I could see some stags with magnificent antlers grazing in the distance.

 I came across three other people, I almost had the park to myself.

 I love the mix of colours in this photo.

I waded through piles of multi-coloured leaves of all shapes and sizes. Looking down at the ground is as interesting as looking up.

Back home for lunch, which was a microwaved pot of frozen home made courgette and lentil soup, with half a tin of baked beans added, and a slice of wholemeal bread. A smashing filler after a walk in the park.

I've been busy this afternoon re arranging my furniture. The living room was a bit crowded so I've moved a sideboard, (I have two), upstairs to the spare room. I made a space for it by moving an old dressing table into the garage. I might end up chucking that as it's battered and chipped, and old. It's much better now, I've been able to insert the extending leaf into the dining room table so now I have loads of workspace for my crafty and arty hobbies. Now all I've got to do is to sort out all my stuff in the drawers and cupboards, and have a good old de clutter. I'll keep chipping away at it.
Toodle pip.  

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