Saturday, December 7, 2013

Charity shop curtains for £1

I picked up a bargain yesterday when I was in town. Browsing in the Age UK charity shop where everything is £1, well it would be daft not to look wouldn't it, I found a lovely pair of curtains. I didn't bother checking the size, I will find a window somewhere that they will fit. It was the bright colours which made me take them off the rail. Possibility of cutting them up for patchwork if the fabric wasn't in good condition.
When I got them home and inspected them, they were like new, too good to cut up. I decided to take down these curtains in my bedroom as they have been up a long time, and I am getting bored with them.  
Looks a nice pattern on the photo, but they are a bit pale and wishy-washy. I fancy adding more colour into the room, to match the quilt and the rag rug.

Aren't they lovely? I am so pleased with them, vibrant colours to wake up to. They weren't lined, but I remembered I had a pair of linings which I removed from some other curtains before I ditched them. Guess what, they were the exact size, a perfect fit. So no cutting and trimming needed, just sew them straight in.

This close up picture makes them look a bit pink, they are more like a very dark pink almost red colour.

Not bad for £1, eh! Chuffin brilliant I say. I love a charity shop bargain. The other curtains I will wash and put away, I've got a few pairs now to swap about when I get bored.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend. I am busy sewing.
Toodle pip

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