Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More patchwork, and a declutter

I got straight onto the job of adding more patches this morning, after the breakfast pots were moved into the kitchen. That's what I like about being retired, I can do whatever I like, and today I decided I am going to get this block finished. I've cropped the edges in the photo. It started as a 24inch square, and half an inch will be trimmed off all round to give a neat edge.   
I think this method works pretty well, and it goes together quite quickly using the sewing machine. I am going to carry on and make more. It won't be a bed quilt, probably a throw for the sofa. I'm not sure how big to make it, I might get away with six blocks, but might go to nine. As it's already got two layers I will just put a backing onto it. I will need to dig out some more fabric from my stash, I don't want to buy any more, but want to use up what I already have. So, hey ho, keep on sewing.
Another little job I tackled today, keep on chipping away at those boring unglamorous jobs. I have a nice little old writing bureau sitting in the corner of my living room. Someone gave it to me years ago, they were moving home and didn't have room for it in their new abode. I seem to have a talent for finding freebies, ha ha. Anyway, it has been housing my card making bits and bobs, mainly old greetings card which I cut up and stitch onto new cards. I haven't made any cards for ages. I tried to sell them at one point, but I think most people are of the same mind these days and have given up sending cards.

I thought about chucking the whole darn lot, having a good clear out, but there are some very old family cards here which I don't want to part with just yet, so I have just scaled down my collection. I took the scissors to the ones I didn't want to keep and now I have a big pile of white card to use for notes. I've also saved a lot of decorative snippets which can be used to make new cards, if I feel inclined to start making them again.

That's a lot better, the unwanted clutter has gone in the paper recycling box. I bet the bin men will think it's strange when they empty the box, to find lots of Christmas cards three weeks before Christmas. They usually get recycled in January.

I did find time to go out for a local walk today, I like to get out once every day. Right, I'm going to do a bit more sewing, make a start on the next block.
Toodle pip.

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