Saturday, December 14, 2013

Full of beans

Hiya, the broadband signal is painfully slow this evening, could it be the wind, it's blowing a hooli outside. I've just watched George Clarke's Amazing Spaces and it was all stop start. Mind you, I was uploading these photo's at the same time, maybe that's what slowed it down.
I did another Tesco dash last night at 8pm, to get Bugsy some more chicken, he's going to cost a fortune at this rate. It's a good job I got my own food for pennies, thank goodness for yellow stickers.
Look at this great haul, and all healthy food as well. Three packs of pea and bean shoots, £1.25 reduced to 13p.  
 Pea and bean salad, was £2.20, now 21p.

 Three nectarines, £3 down to 30p. Who would pay full price for those, crazy.

Three tubs of prepared fruit, melon, pineapple, grapes, pomegranate. Two at 20p, one at 10p.

Good reductions on houmous. 10p and 12p.
Two bags of veg selection, £1.20 to 12p.

 And good old spinach, can't get enough of it.

My fridge is stuffed with goodies, bargains like these are better than any Christmas present. Here is my healthy lunch today. Chuffin brilliant. I cooked extra pasta last night, enough for today and tomorrow.

I will enter the shopping list on the diary asap when I have a minute. Link above. Tonight's dinner was steamed veg, I have loads of lovely brussel sprouts to get through. YUM  :o))
Toodle pip

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