Thursday, December 5, 2013

Keeping safe, staying indoors.

I have been listening to BBC Radio Humberside all day, there have been updates giving severe weather warnings for the whole of the east coast. At this moment in time, almost 7pm, the reports are non stop about areas that are already under water, and areas under threat are being evacuated. We have had extremely high winds all day, and now we have the biggest high tidal wave in the last 60 years, coming up the Humber right now. 
Grimsby, Cleethorpes, and Hull are flooding, people are ringing in with what they are seeing, it is an extremely dangerous situation. Victoria Dock in Hull is about to flood in the next hour and everyone is being instructed to leave. Places of safety are being set up in leisure centres, elderly people are being moved out of their residential homes. I am amazed at what I am hearing, it is quite upsetting to think what people must be going through. There are a lot of low lying villages along the banks of the Humber, the Ouse, and the Trent, and some of them not far from here are being evacuated now. Luckily where I live is on the top of a hill so I am safe here.
This was the scene yesterday as I went for a walk. The River Trent is beyond the green field you see, so there is no way it will flood up here. We do have some houses, a pub, and a caravan park down at the bottom of the hill, quite close to the river. I haven't heard any news about what is happening down there, but I have seen the river come over it's banks before, and stop a few yards from the pub.  
I went outside briefly today during the wind, to retrieve some bins that were being blown about, and it was flippin cold. Best place to be is indoors, so this is where I have stayed. I have moved my extra large table to the front window so I can look out as I work. I have hung a second set of curtains over the ones already up, so it is nice and snug. The desk light keeps me warm. I've got my sewing machine and computer close at hand, no need to go anywhere today. I am working on the third patchwork square now, getting on really well with it.

I think it's forecast to be better tomorrow, so hopefully the wind might die down, and I might be able to venture out. Today it was not possible, the wind was too strong.

A quick hello to Austin, thank you for your friendly and interesting comments.
Toodle pip.

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