Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bargains from the car boot sale

What a glorious day, most of Britain has been enjoying the sunshine. I've just been looking through the photographs in the papers, everyone has been out today. I was happy to stay on home ground. I can't for the life of me think why thousands of people would park their bottoms on Brighton beach, it looks all pebbly, and everyone is packed close together. 
After breakfast I went off to the car boot sale at the football ground, should be a good turn out. There wasn't as many stalls as I thought there would be. I suppose it's still early in the season and not everyone is organised yet. I was looking for a pair of trainers but didn't find any. I also looked for some beads and found these necklaces at 50p each. Lots of beads here, I shall be taking them apart. 
When I saw this bag I thought of a friend who would love it, so I bought it for £2. It's quite an expensive hand painted leather bag. It's got a zipper top, and a zipper pocket inside. The lining looks almost new, and the bag looks like it has had very little use. A bargain I thought.

My garden shears are falling to bits, my fault for buying the cheapest, so when I saw these I could see that they are a better quality. For £2 they are a snip, and I got to test them on a nearby hedge before I handed over my cash. They are ultra sharp and do a good job on grass and hedges. Just the job. The moral of this story is to buy a second hand quality item rather, than a cheap new one. 
I called in at the shopping centre on the way back and got two bags of seed potatoes from the £1 shop. They are on the window sill chitting away. I won't put them in the beds just yet, we could still be getting some cold nights. 
It was warm enough to sit outside with my lunch. Last nights cous cous and curry, with some baked beans added, and zapped in the microwave. A glass of apple juice with a slug of wine to perk it up. Blimey, don't I live the high life, ha ha.  
So, what's the broccoli recipe for tonight. Here we have it steamed, with onions, peas, and carrots. In the middle is a 12p packet of 2 minute noodles. Luverly jubbly, very nice, and very filling.

It was a lovely relaxing day, and the bonus was that I saw a friend at the car boot sale that I hadn't seen for ages. We now have each others phone number so we can keep in touch, she only lives in the next village. I hope you had a lovely Sunday, lets hope the sun continues to shine on us all. Toodle pip. 

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