Saturday, March 1, 2014

Here is the news, sorry it's a bit soggy

It's been a boooootiful day here in my neck of the woods, not far from the east coast of middle England. The morning fog lifted to give way to lots of sunshine. I had a little potter in the garden, then took a chair outside and sat doing some sewing. The birds were twittering, the wood pigeons were cooing, the cats were strolling around, and the children were having fun in their garden a few doors down. All was lovely. 
This morning I went out and did a litter pick. I noticed a few cans lying around the other day, so off I went with my trusty picking stick and a big carrier bag. There is a snicket which goes from the posh houses onto a dog walking area which we call the hills. By the way a snicket is an alleyway, or a ten foot, or a path. Just beyond that is a wood, and I spotted something in the bushes. I get really annoyed when people hurl things into the undergrowth hoping no one will notice it. I pushed my way through the brambles, big boots are a necessity for litter picking, and found a bundle of Parish Council Newsletters. Now, I know that they pay for the exact amount to be printed so every house in the village gets one. There are 44 houses which haven't received the latest copy which went out two weeks ago. Obviously someone got fed up and couldn't be bothered to deliver them. 
How chuffin annoying is that. Given the location that they were discarded they should be able to find out who did it, and give them a right rollicking. Well I would.

How ironic that there is a mention from the chairman about entering the Best Kept Village competition, and hopefully winning it this year. We usually come second or third. We won't win anything if folks keep chucking the newsletters away. Aside from creating more litter, people won't know about the competition and won't be helping to tidy the village up to give us a good chance.

It would be great if we could win it, I shall be stepping up my litter picking, and keeping my eyes open for any other little tidying jobs that need doing. Some of the road signs could do with a wash. The phone box needs a wash as well, and the bus shelter. We have a new man to look after the graveyard around the church, he seems quite keen. I shall be asking people to tidy the road in front of their house as well, failing that, I will be doing a bit of road sweeping myself, ha ha.

I am relaxing with a can of cider tonight, full up from my steamed veg dinner. I shall watch a catch up programme while doing a bit more sewing. Have a nice Sunday.
Toodle pip.

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