Sunday, March 16, 2014

Nice for a change.

We've had hours of sunshine here today but it's been a tad windy. Warm enough to go out though. I've been for a local walk, and I've been messing in the garden, and I've been playing with bits of fabric. Someone in the craft group gave me a paper pattern to make a pin cushion. Here I have cut out the pieces. Can you guess what it is? 
Yes, it's a sort of mouse. I have to be honest, I made it in a rush, and forgot to insert the ears as I was sewing it up. Then I had to cut two holes to fit them in, and restitch the seam. Then when I turned it the right way, and stuffed it, I found that the top and bottom didn't match up exactly, so had to do some tucking in of loose fabric which made it smaller than it should have been. By this time I wish I hadn't started it. I'm not very good at following instructions, prefer to make things from my own ideas from scratch.

The ears are lop sided, the eyes are wonky, it's whiskers are too straight, and it's nose is too big and not in the middle. Poor little mouse.

I found a piece of green plastic mesh type stuff, it looked the right size to make a book mark, so I made one. I wove some pink, red, and blue wool through the holes. The loose bits I tied up into a bunch. Looks nice, easy to make.

I hope you had a nice relaxing Sunday, I'm off to make my dinner now. Wonder what it will be? Oh, I know, I will have broccoli and sprouts, that will be nice for a change :o))
Toodle pip.

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