Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sharing bloggy links

Good morning.
Every morning when I wake up I hoist my body into an upright position, and prop myself up with pillows. I then close my eyes and ponder. What shall I do today? Is there anything I have to do? Be somewhere at a specific time? Or have I got a free day to do what I please? Organizing my day is important. I get the most pleasure out of it when I am productive, when I am useful, and when I can make a contribution to to the wider society that I live in. Looking after my mind is as important as looking after my body. So in the morning I lay in my bed, planning what I am going to do.

My friend is going on a ramble today, it is too far for him to take his dog, so I will go into his house at midday and get Lady out for a walk. I will sit in his conservatory for a while, reading a magazine which he leaves out for me to do the crossword, while the dog bimbles around the garden.

Today I am expecting a packet in the post. My nephew has sent me some seeds and I need to get on with  sowing them in pots. I hope it doesn't rain because I want to tidy up the bushes and hedges in the back garden while I have the electric trimmer. Then the job will be done and I can give it back to Barry.

Next job is to make up some of the veg I bought yesterday into stews and curries, and freeze portions in margarine tubs. I wont be able to eat it all in the next couple of days so freezing it will give me some cheap meals over the next few weeks.

I have a few crafting projects on the go, but these are not priority at the moment. I will be picking these up at odd times in between other jobs. Now the weather is getting better, I shall be outside a lot more. Litter picking needs to be done once a week, and I want to do one full day walk every week, so map reading and planning is priority now.

Blogging is always priority, so I spend a few minutes pondering about what to write about next. Sometimes an idea comes out of the blue, other times I still haven't come up with anything at nine o clock at night. That's when you get the drivel, ha ha. So, planning makes for a better post, hopefully. The idea for today's post has come from reader Gam Kau. She sent me a link to another blog, which I have checked out. This led me to another blog, and another, like you do. So my idea for today is to send you off to have a look at other useful and interesting blogs. It's good to share knowledge, life is a learning curve. Enjoy your reading, but be sure to come back to this one tomorrow. Thank you Gam Kau for getting me started on this.

Lois is a mother and grandmother who is into living in a small space, and making something old into something new and useful. Look at her Blogroll for lots more linky's.
Living Simply Free blog

Daniela is into frugal, obviously. she does DIY, painting, thrifty, and has an Etsy shop. There are adverts on this blog which I am not keen on, but the content is good if you can ignore the adds.
Frugal Aint Cheap blog

Buy Nothing is a project started by two friends. As it says, there are ideas for making things from what you already have. Anyone can start a local group, it's all about people getting together and sharing their knowledge. Random acts of kindness are encouraged.
Trash Backwards blog

Kathy writes about exploration of ideas, stories and information, that can lead to a more happier, simple, peaceful and compassionate world for everyone. No topic is off limits. A thought provoking blog.
Smart Living blog

Katherine is a very crafty lady. It's not all about pillows as the title suggests, but lots of fun and quirky ideas for small crafty projects. There are a lot of upcycling ideas as well.
Pillows a la Mode blog

There's five to be going on with, that will keep you busy for a while. Toodle pip, I must get started on my plan for today.

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