Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Bimbling around Brixham

Hello. Another day out. As I have made the long journey south, I don't like to waste time sitting around. I want to get my money's worth by visiting as many different places as I can. I like a leisurely breakfast, but then it's lets get packed up for the day and go. Sandwiches made, drinks bottles filled, appropriate clothing and footwear worn and carried, and map with directions noted. The plan today is another trip to the English Riviera, this time Brixham. Again the Park and Ride was used, this one wasn't so busy. I noted that they didn't have designated buses just for this service, all regular buses passing this point pulled into the the parking area. They run pretty frequently so it was only a ten minute wait. The bus stand is in the centre of the town so it's easy to find the bus back. This is the view when you arrive. More painted houses on the hillside.  
This is an eye catching shop and beckons holiday makers to come and peep inside. Wooden carvings of every description. The proprietor is pretty unique as well, looking the part in his hillbilly outfit and weather beaten appearance.

All aboard The Golden Hind me hearties. This is a full size replica of the ship in which Drake circumnavigated the globe. Visitors can go on board. This is the second Brixham replica, the first one was destroyed in a storm.

I do believe this is Sir Francis himself, welcoming everyone on board.

Sea food anyone? I tried mussels once, many yeas ago, yuk, horrible ;o(
Another pretty harbour to bimble around. I love watching people enjoy their holiday.

Love the bright colours of this boat. With a bit of noseying on the www, the company of Stuart Line Cruises are a family business and run three boats from Exmouth. More info here. 

Tis a good day for bimbling, the weather was perfect and stayed dry.

I went in search of some green so Rocky could bimble on grass, so I walked past the Marina and up Berry Head Road.
The Lifeboat was parked alongside the sea wall.

There is a lot of green at Berry Head Nature Reserve, so off I went out of town. This open air swimming pool is called Shoalstone. Not really warm enough for swimming today. Looks like the builders are putting the finishing touches to it before it opens for the season. Pity I haven't got the car up here, there was a skip with some smashing pallets in it, and off cuts of plastic panels, ha ha. I have to look in skips, it's a compulsion.

I sat on a bench while Rocky had a bimble. Screams and laughter drew my attention to the pool. A group of children were jumping in fully clothed. Must be some kind of survival exercise I thought. They swam to the other end and got out. More info about Shoalstone Pool here.

There is a walk through the woods to get to the very tip of Berry Head Nature Reserve, sadly I couldn't take that and had to continue along the road. It was still a nice walk, albeit up a steep hill. Never mind the exercise will do me good.

I was anticipating nice views out to sea, from the top. Apparently it is possible to see Portland Bill 35 miles away, on a clear day. Oooerrr, it's a bit misty. The lighthouse looks rather grey and uninspiring. It is claimed to be the smallest and highest in the British Isles. More info here.

I walked to the edge and peered out to sea. What did I see? Bugger all, ha ha. The fog was a thick pea souper. I took a pic leaning over the edge, it was a wild guess because I couldn't see anything through the mist. Aha, we have some rocks at the bottom.

Looks like Rocky has dozed off, ha ha.

It was easier to walk downhill back to the town. A ten minute wait for the bus took us back to the car. I had brought a packet of noodles to make up for dinner, but couldn't be bothered, so I popped in Asda on the way back and got a reduced pot of mixed bean salad and a cheese and onion quiche. That will do for two days. We arrived back at camp at 6.30pm just as Lovely Grey was going out to meet her friend for a drink. She wasn't away very long, so we sat with a glass of wine and resumed our natter that we started when I arrived. Last night at the camp site, heading off home tomorrow.

Thanks for popping in. I've been catching up on tidying the garden and house since I've been back. Also doing a bit of sewing. Will get up to date after the next and last holiday post tomorrow.
Toodle pip

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