Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Dilly dallying in Dartmouth

Hello. Phew, a lot of photo's to upload. I've had to whittle the 200 I took, down to a more manageable number, this post has quite a lot for you to trawl through. The plan for today was to visit the English Riviera, I chose Dartmouth because I wanted to avoid the bigger touristy areas like Torquay and Paignton. I followed the signs through country lanes to Newton Abbot and Totnes. The Park and Ride facility was on the outskirts of the town, it was £5 a day, have to pay for the car. As I only wanted half a day I went further on into the town to look for a cheaper option. This involved going down a steep hill, there was no way I could park at the top and walk, ok going down but I couldn't have pushed the buggy back up again. The town was choc a block with cars, so I drove back to the Park and Ride and coughed up the dosh. It turned out a good move because the parking was on grass so we could have a leisurely picnic before driving back to the camp site. 
I don't think Rocky was too impressed with the bus ride. We had to squash into the buggy and wheelchair section, so he was surrounded by lots of people and all he could see was legs. The bus was very full, standing room only. 
Dartmouth is lovely, lots of boats filling the estuary. Yachts, ferry boats, small rowing boats, and pleasure crafts taking visitors up and down the river. The weather was a tad overcast, but it was warm enough not to wear a jacket. The town and waters edge was a hive of activity, but not too crowded, there was enough room to get around. 

Queuing up to get on a river cruise. No cruise for us today, I hate queuing and being squashed up with a lot of people. 
I love the coloured houses on the hillside over on the opposite side of the River dart.

The town has lots of gift shops and eateries. It all seems a bit posh here, I like to check out prices in different parts of the country, I window shop but don't buy. It looks a bit pricey, here are some examples. Would you pay £7.20 for a few bits of wood?
£9.50 for two beach huts!

One small beach hut for £4.50, five for £22.50. Crikey!

What about this driftwood bird, fancy that? It will set you back an eyewatering £185. Chuffin heck. I'll not bother. Note to self, must pick up some old tree scraps as I walk through the woods.

The church was open, there was a craft exhibition on. Lovely quilts on show. 

And some pieces of machine embroidery. Wish I could get the hang of this.

My little model was happy to pose for the photo's. He has his waterproof coat on, made out of an old umbrella. We had a heavy shower for 20 minutes, so we sheltered under a shop canopy and I chatted to a couple who also had a dog in a buggy. 

Here is the Dartmouth Higher Ferry just coming in. It docks at the Dart Marina Hotel,. A single journey in a car is £5.20, foot passengers pay 60p. 
 I stood and watched as it loaded up for the return crossing. The boat is guided across with steel ropes, it only takes about five minutes. Drive on and off boat.

Here is a map of the different boat trips available. Plenty to chose from. 
We sat and watched people, it was a lovely place to be. The kids were enjoying themselves catching crabs. They buy a plastic bucket, a length of twine, and some bait, dangle it in the water and a crab attaches itself to the bait. Put them in your bucket and count them, then throw them back. The sun came out to finish the day off nicely.

We were back at the camp site for just after 6pm and the Lovely Grey had dinner on the go, so no cooking for me again. Not that I cook much while camping anyway, why change the habit of a lifetime, ha ha.

More tomorrow. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip

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