Sunday, July 5, 2015

Shopping, repairing, recycling, and other stuff

Hello. Did you know that the pooch has got into recycling as well. We were coming back from visiting a friend, and found some people taking stuff out of their full to bursting garage, and chucking it into their car. An opportunity to have a nosey, and maybe rescue a few things from the council dump. They allowed me to look through it. As usual there was stuff that could be used again so I loaded up the buggy. I couldn't turf Rocky out because it was too far for him to walk home, so he had to share the space, ha ha. 
My friend had a shopping bag that has seen better days, he rang me to ask if I had any shopping bags left from the sale. Sorry but no, they were all sold. I asked him if the bag could be repaired, he said, hang on a minute, I'll get it out of the bin. I went round and picked it up. Chucked in the bin indeed. No.

Yes, it can be repaired. I cut four pieces of hessian type fabric with a tighter weave than the bag, turned a hem under all round, and machined them on outside and inside. Jobs a good one, the bag will last another year. I could start up a bag repair business  ;o)

My mini chopper is used daily now to prepare my morning cereal topper. Such a handy gadget. Other makes are available  ;o)

An assortment of nuts, seeds and fruit...
all stored in my dry goods cupboard with the pasta, rice, noodles, and spices.

Yesterday I finally got round to defrosting the fridge, a job which was well overdue. Almost everything was eaten except a few items which went into the cool box while I was waiting for the ice to melt. A good scrub out and it's all clean and ready to start again. 
Last night was the Tesco yellow sticker dash, I got there about 7pm. I managed to find these four tins marked at half price due to them being dented. They don't usually have much of interest on the damaged goods section, but it's always worth a look. Two tins of peach slices, a tin of mandarins and one of chopped tomatoes.

The man brought a trolley out of the warehouse, everything already marked up, or should I say marked down. It was the last reduction of the day, so 90% off. There was about half a dozen people waiting but there was enough for everybody. Two small cauliflowers 10p each.

I've given up with the broad beans in the garden, they have been decimated by the slugs. Not to worry, I am happy to pay 20p. Who in their right mind would pay £2 for a bag of mainly pods, when you can get a large bag of frozen beans for £1.

Fridge is all stocked up again. Looking good. 

My lunch yesterday, I already had these items in before I went shopping. 
Lunch today. chargrilled mushroom pasta, salad, and gaucamole. very nice, followed by fresh mango and melon slices.

So, do you want a breakdown of my shopping list.
Whole Galia melon 69p
Sweet potatoes £1.50
Bag carrots 60p
Loose bananas (6) 56p
Cat food £1.88
Small milk 45p
Frozen mixed veg £1
Frozen sweetcorn 99p
Frozen peas 89p
Frozen broad beans £1
Frozen veg sausages £1
Frozen veg mix 50p
Frozen macaroni cheese £1
6 small yougurts £1
Large plain yogurt 45p
Vitalite spread £1
Large seeded loaf £1
2 packs cream crackers 54p
Cooked chicken £1
Cherries £1
The rest are reduced
2 packs brussel sprouts 15p each
2 bunches salad onions 10p each
4 packs mixed prepared veg 48p total
2 cauliflowers 10p each
1 pack prepared fruit 20p
4 dented tins 75p total
Mushroom pasta 20p
2 pots guacamole 16p each
5 bags assorted salads 61p total
Broad beans 20p
Total £21.43

That will last a while. I managed to steer clear of any sweet treats. Luckily there were no reduced donuts, ha ha. I have fallen off the wagon a couple of times, picked up some snack bars when I have been in town, and my size 8 trousers are getting a bit tight around my waist. Can't have that. My will power is running at full throttle now. A little voice in my head screams at me, NO NO BLOODY NO, YOU DON'T NEED IT, YOU CAN'T HAVE IT. OK boss, ha ha.

Hope you are having a good Sunday. I'm off outside, the sun is shining.
Toodle pip

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