Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Some waffle

Hello, a bit late tonight, that's because I am devoid of ideas, head empty. I'll just waffle on a bit, you can read if you like, or you can say stuff it I won't bother, ha ha. 
I went to the hospital this morning, no I'm not ill, I went to the audiology department to get my hearing aid re tubed. That's the short plastic tube between the ear mould and the bit that sits behind the ear. It gets a bit clogged up with gunge due to the condensation building up. They say it should be renewed every six months, but looking at my little record book it's 14 months since mine was last changed. They have a drop in session on a Wednesday morning between 9 and 12, mainly for routine jobs which don't take very long. I thought I was doing well to get there at 10 past 9, shouldn't be a lot waiting at that time. Wrong. The small waiting room was jam packed full, I almost walked out. It was very hot and noisy, I hate that type of atmosphere, everyone talking at once. I had a word with the receptionist and asked if I could make an appointment for another day, and told her why I prefer not to wait. She suggested I leave the hearing aid with her and go in the room next door which was quieter and cooler. That suited me better, I had a book with me. Half an hour later she returned my hearing aid, job done. 
I've got a heck of a lot of ironing to do, not clothes, I don't iron clothes, but a lot of felt pieces. I bought a big bag of it from the Scrapstore for £2. Not sure what I'm going to do with it all, but it will come in handy for something. 

 This is some of the fabric which I got. I filled a basket for £5. Got a lot of paint as well.

It was our bin collection day on Monday, and I noticed that someone had put these two nice tins in the metal recycling box. Too nice to throw away I thought, so I knocked on the door and asked if I could have them. Don't know why they have the word bench on them, there is no indication what they might have had in them. I will use them for my bead collection. 
Tesco's have sent me some free cat food. They must know I have a cat, even though I rarely buy cat food from them except if it's on special offer. I got two pouches of Whiskas, and a couple of vouchers to use in the store. Heidi is the only one who eats Whiskas, then she licks the gravy or jelly off it and leaves the chunks. Fussy little madam.

Anyway, I'll wrap it up now, bed time. Goodnight.

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